
The Command function includes sub-functions and activities that support the installation staff and Commanding Officer. 

Command/Admin includes activities that directly support the Office of the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer and the central command administration office. The positions of Command Master Chief, 1st LT/Self-Help, Inspector General and Drug Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA) fall under the Command/Admin area, as well as programs such as the Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO), Career Counseling and Command Evaluation.

The Chaplain leads Religious Programs for Commander, Navy Installations Command and operates as a liaison with the Navy Regions on activities that provide religious support to military personnel. Religious services, counseling and other activities conducted by the installation Chaplain and staff fall under the religious programs umbrella. 

General and Administrative, G&A, encompasses command activities that are not reasonably chargeable to other sub-functions at this time and includes civilian leave, fringe acceleration adjustments, undistributed fringe and leave payments, severance and compensatory time payments, civilian awards and training, admin travel, contract over-site, and miscellaneous tolls, equipment rentals, minor property purchases, and equipment maintenance/repair not reported in other IMAP business areas. 

The Legal function includes activities of the Office of the General Counsel and Force Judge Advocate. These offices provide counsel and legal analysis on questions of fiscal law, environmental law, administrative law, military justice, and international and operational law. The Legal function also provides guidance on questions of Government Ethics and Standards of Official Conduct, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) requests, and overall legal support to command and installation staff. 

The Public Affairs Officer acts as the Commander, Navy Installations Command spokesperson with the media and general public and is actively involved in communication issues and message delivery with internal and external audiences through both print and electronic media.


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