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QuakeSmart Toolkit: Take Action Templates

Template A: Sample Email or Memorandum to Employees

Dear Employees:

As you know, we work and live within an active seismic zone and earthquakes are a potential threat to your safety at work and at home. Therefore, we are launching a week-long QuakeSmart awareness program, which will help you identify your risks, make a plan and take action. Each day, we will provide you with helpful tips on how to mitigate hazards and how to better secure your home and its contents. At the end of this week, we invite you to attend a [name event] so that knowledgeable officials can answer questions you may have.

For more information on earthquake mitigation or to download the QuakeSmart Toolkit for Businesses, please visit /quakesmart.

Earthquakes can happen at any time. We [Company Name] care about the safety of you and your family and we hope you find the QuakeSmart information helpful and beneficial.


[Company Official]

Template B: Sample Press Release to Local Media

[Phone Number]



(Date, Your City, State)—[Company Name] will be launching a week long QuakeSmart awareness program for its employees starting [date]. The campaign will encourage employees to identify their risks at home, make a mitigation plan and then take action to reduce their risks to earthquake hazards.

The QuakeSmart program was developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) around the premise that no community can fully recover from a damaging earthquake until its businesses are back up and running. Because businesses may not be prepared to resume operations following an earthquake, getting them to mitigate for earthquake loss has become an economic priority. The program’s mission is to encourage at-risk businesses and their employees to become “QuakeSmart,” and maintain on-going earthquake hazard mitigation efforts throughout the year.

During an earthquake, many casualties can be caused by falling objects and debris that are easily be secured using simple, cost effective solutions. Examples of these mitigation activities include:

  • Strapping bookcases and shelves to walls to prevent tipping;
  • Knowing how and when to shut off utilities;
  • Securing ceiling fans and hanging light fixtures.

At the end of the week [Company Name] will be hosting a Lunch N’ Learn workshop for its employees, as well as hosting an information fair that will involve [name organizations/activities]. Media is encouraged to attend. To schedule an interview, please contact [Company Representative].

For more information on earthquake mitigation or to download the QuakeSmart Toolkit for Businesses, please visit /quakesmart.

[Add one paragraph describing your business and its accomplishments.] For more information about [Your Business], please visit [your website].

# # #

Template C: Sample Talking Points

  • Based on the USGS seismic hazard map, our local community is located in an earthquake risk area.
  • As you know, our community has suffered [number of major earthquakes] major earthquakes in the past [number of years] years.
  • Each major earthquake has cost our community [dollars] of dollars in damages, injuries and lost revenue.
  • [Insert language on how this business is specifically committed to ensuring the safety of their business operations, their employees, and customers by....].
  • To build a resilient community, all businesses need to share their best practices and resources for earthquake mitigation.
  • Future earthquake damages can be reduced and potentially avoided by following the QuakeSmart three-step process of earthquake mitigation:
    • Identify your risk
    • Make a plan
    • Take action
  • For help with earthquake mitigation, visit and download the QuakeSmart earthquake mitigation toolkit for businesses.

Template D: Sample Press Release

[Phone Number]



(Date, Your City, State)—After completing an earthquake mitigation program, [Company Name] is initiating a week-long QuakeSmart awareness program for all [local area/town/city] community businesses starting [date]. The campaign will encourage local businesses to identify their risks at home, make a mitigation plan and then take action to reduce their risk to earthquake hazards.

The QuakeSmart program was developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) around the premise that no community can fully recover from a damaging earthquake until its businesses are back up and running. Because businesses may not be prepared to resume operations following an earthquake, getting them to mitigate for earthquake loss has become an economic priority. The program’s mission is to encourage at-risk businesses and their employees to become “QuakeSmart,” and maintain on-going earthquake hazard mitigation efforts throughout the year.

During an earthquake, most injury and death is caused from falling objects and debris that can easily be secured using simple, cost effective solutions. Examples of these mitigation activities include:

  • Strapping bookcases and shelves to walls to prevent tipping.
  • Knowing how and when to shut off utilities.
  • Securing ceiling fans and hanging light fixtures.

At the end of the week [Company Name] will be hosting a Lunch N’ Learn workshop for other local business owners, as well as hosting an information fair that will involve [name organizations/activities]. Media is encouraged to attend. To schedule an interview, please contact [company representative].

For more information on earthquake mitigation for businesses or homeowners, visit /quakesmart.

[Add one paragraph describing your business and its accomplishments.] For more information about [Your Business], please visit [your website].

# # #

Template E: Sample Media Alert/Advisory for Broadcast Media

(For Large Event Only)

*****MEDIA ALERT*****

[Insert Business Name(s)] Host(s) Information Fair on Earthquake Mitigation for the Community Local Businesses, Community Leaders and Citizens Encouraged to be ‘QuakeSmart’ at Educational Event

WHEN: [Insert day], [insert date], [insert time],

WHERE: [Insert location]

WHAT: [Insert eye-catching activities and sights, such as the following:]

  • Community and business leaders from [insert town(s)] demonstrating possible earthquake damages and ways to mitigate their risk.
  • A variety of speakers including the Mayor, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Local Emergency Manager, Geologist [insert name] and other disaster experts.
  • Over [insert number] school children participating in a variety of fun yet educational activities related to earthquake mitigation.

[Insert spokespeople]
[Insert community/public leaders/local celebrity]
[Insert examples of active photo opportunities that will be available]

[Insert contact name, email, phone]

One paragraph describing your business and its accomplishments. For more information about [Your Business], please visit [your website].

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Last Updated: 
03/23/2015 - 12:16