Table 1-12: Airport Enplanements by State and Air Carrier Category: 2008

Table 1-12: Airport Enplanements by State and Air Carrier Category: 2008

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State Large certificated air carriers Commuter and small certificated air carriers Foreign air carriers Total enplanements
Alabama 2,678,537 67,777 2 2,746,316
Alaska 3,125,785 1,410,733 76,013 4,612,531
Arizona 21,707,055 88,648 247,077 22,042,780
Arkansas 1,678,578 170,692 0 1,849,270
California 76,693,169 5,483 8,963,734 85,662,386
Colorado 25,647,836 372,523 347,139 26,367,498
Connecticut 2,852,182 158,000 30,057 3,040,239
Delaware 1,824 0 0 1,824
District of Columbia1 0 0 0 0
Florida 61,696,939 1,095,823 5,330,171 68,122,933
Georgia 44,221,755 211,206 509,616 44,942,577
Hawaii 13,133,052 610,727 1,384,846 15,128,625
Idaho 1,904,168 275 3 1,904,446
Illinois 40,063,685 620,319 2,328,780 43,012,784
Indiana 4,455,040 424,781 13,835 4,893,656
Iowa 1,494,252 62,533 0 1,556,785
Kansas 764,629 65,920 16 830,565
Kentucky 2,135,262 224,997 0 2,360,259
Louisiana 4,950,035 199,480 3,465 5,152,980
Maine 1,017,428 69,463 451 1,087,342
Maryland 9,909,315 183,458 132,628 10,225,401
Massachusetts 11,441,436 470,171 1,219,836 13,131,443
Michigan 18,961,540 124,158 249,482 19,335,180
Minnesota 16,617,000 84,858 46,550 16,748,408
Mississippi 1,301,483 312 112 1,301,907
Missouri 11,173,425 1,334,992 27,916 12,536,333
Montana 1,504,085 6,971 137 1,511,193
Nebraska 2,281,946 59,550 0 2,341,496
Nevada 22,079,808 63,290 986,344 23,129,442
New Hampshire 1,829,775 38,118 6,847 1,874,740
New Jersey 16,449,141 200,807 1,513,392 18,163,340
New Mexico 3,182,627 34,980 0 3,217,607
New York 35,461,499 1,922,880 7,069,353 44,453,732
North Carolina 22,935,620 1,261,891 124,435 24,321,946
North Dakota 669,301 20,799 0 690,100
Ohio 15,075,866 2,598,524 43,952 17,718,342
Oklahoma 3,342,606 176,681 188 3,519,475
Oregon 7,920,836 4,116 131,169 8,056,121
Pennsylvania 19,544,055 1,559,879 351,913 21,455,847
Rhode Island 2,248,082 107,524 8,126 2,363,732
South Carolina 2,939,990 364,548 124 3,304,662
South Dakota 678,096 7,792 0 685,888
Tennessee 11,002,407 337,995 20,806 11,361,208
Texas 66,327,709 1,532,875 1,114,969 68,975,553
Utah 10,093,246 8,562 667 10,102,475
Vermont 631,592 119,761 44 751,397
Virginia 21,254,875 1,878,786 1,558,493 24,692,154
Washington 17,615,197 107,103 610,436 18,332,736
West Virginia 274,827 88,143 2 362,972
Wisconsin 5,264,616 280,675 6,703 5,551,994
Wyoming 434,291 88,425 0 522,716
United States, total (excl. U.S. territories) 670,667,503 20,928,004 34,459,829 726,055,336
United States, total (incl. U.S. territories) 677,225,462 21,467,960 35,143,152 733,836,574

1 Reagan National is both legally and geographically a part of Virginia.

NOTE: Enplanements consist of all persons boarding a flight other than crew and passengers who boarded at an earlier stop. In previous years the source of the data for this table was the FAA, which provides information on Air Taxi operators. The current table uses data from the Office of Airline Information, which does not collect data on Air Taxi operators. General aviation passengers are also excluded from the data.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information, TranStats Database, T-100 Market (All Carriers), special tabulation, Apr. 30, 2010.