Table 6-6: Pipeline Transportation Establishments and Employment: 2008

Table 6-6: Pipeline Transportation Establishments and Employment: 2008

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State Number of establishments Number of paid employees Annual payroll ($ thousands)
Alabama 51 581 54,311
Alaska 20 W W
Arizona 37 W 24,257
Arkansas 46 382 27,083
California 86 W 132,384
Colorado 63 W W
Connecticut 10 171 17,014
Delaware 3 W W
District of Columbia 2 W W
Florida 43 467 34,561
Georgia 49 W W
Hawaii 7 W W
Idaho 4 W W
Illinois 106 W 107,754
Indiana 55 490 39,932
Iowa 55 W 34,167
Kansas 123 1,123 101,809
Kentucky 52 1035 74,393
Louisiana 225 3,268 240,163
Maine 13 83 8,149
Maryland 14 W W
Massachusetts 14 311 24,463
Michigan 39 W 21,257
Minnesota 53 408 39,550
Mississippi 83 W 53,607
Missouri 54 291 24,136
Montana 14 W W
Nebraska 49 W W
Nevada 4 W W
New Hampshire 7 W W
New Jersey 31 508 38,791
New Mexico 65 W W
New York 50 W 28,163
North Carolina 29 226 18,513
North Dakota 23 488 37,503
Ohio 81 W W
Oklahoma 136 W 135,231
Oregon 11 95 7,765
Pennsylvania 114 1,574 113,392
Rhode Island 4 W W
South Carolina 17 153 9,637
South Dakota 12 W 4,674
Tennessee 57 W W
Texas 614 12,278 1,201,936
Utah 22 831 70,742
Vermont 1 W W
Virginia 58 W 33,271
Washington 25 299 27,254
West Virginia 56 W W
Wisconsin 28 W W
Wyoming 56 763 58,381
United States, total1 2,871 40,176 3,568,840

1 Values for states not reported individually are included in U.S. totals.

KEY: W = data withheld to avoid disclosure.

NOTES: The Pipeline Transportation subsector (NAICS 486) includes industries using transmission pipelines to transport products, such as crude oil, natural gas, refined petroleum products, and slurry. Industry groups are determined based on the products transported (i.e., crude oil, natural gas, and other). Gas industry data include the storage of natural gas because the storage is usually done by the pipeline establishment and because a pipeline is inherently a network in which all the nodes are interdependent. These data do not include activities classified under the Utilities sector, such as natural gas distribution (NAICS 2212) or water and air distribution and collection (NAICS 2213).

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2008 County Business Patterns (Washington, DC: 2010), available at as of Jul. 8, 2011.