Table 3-4: Rail Shipments: 2009

Table 3-4: Rail Shipments: 2009

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 State Rail shipments terminating in state Rail shipments originating in state
All commodities (tons) Top commodity by weight All commodities (tons) Top commodity by weight
Alabama 45,315,000 Coal 30,039,000 Coal
Alaska 6,552,000 Stone, sand, gravel 6,552,000 Stone, sand, gravel
Arizona 24,658,000 Coal 2,817,000 Waste and scrap
Arkansas 25,112,000 Coal 14,397,000 Stone, sand, gravel
California 88,547,000 Intermodal 52,074,000 Intermodal
Colorado 27,511,000 Coal 27,255,000 Coal
Connecticut 1,266,000 Nonmetallic minerals 1,561,000 Waste and scrap
Delaware 4,172,000 Coal 536,000 Chemicals
District of Columbia 90,000 NA 73,000 NA
Florida 60,496,000 Phosphate rocke 37,705,000 Phosphate rock
Georgia 75,947,000 Coal 27,571,000 Stone, sand, gravel
Hawaii 0 NA 0 NA
Idaho 7,330,000 Chemicals 6,219,000 Farm products
Illinois 148,969,000 Coal 99,827,000 Intermodal
Indiana 50,070,000 Coal 47,305,000 Coal
Iowa 40,312,000 Coal 37,535,000 Food products
Kansas 24,551,000 Coal 22,625,000 Farm products
Kentucky 40,984,000 Coal 76,773,000 Coal
Louisiana 30,037,000 Coal 25,201,000 Chemicals
Maine 2,255,000 Pulp and paper 2,023,000 Pulp and paper
Maryland 25,817,000 Coal 5,025,000 Waste, scrap, cement
Massachusetts 6,168,000 Intermodal 1,876,000 Intermodal
Michigan 34,483,000 Coal 18,221,000 Iron ore and metal products
Minnesota 60,186,000 Iron ore 67,383,000 Iron ore
Mississippi 12,926,000 Coal 6,851,000 Chemicals
Missouri 72,793,000 Coal 12,465,000 Food products
Montana 5,944,000 Petroleum and coal products 44,205,000 Coal
Nebraska 20,401,000 Coal 29,974,000 Farm products
Nevada 7,661,000 Coal 1,859,000 Lime and wallboard
New Hampshire 982,000 Coal and petroleum products 67,000 Stone, sand, gravel
New Jersey 20,667,000 Chemicals 9,393,000 Intermodal
New Mexico 3,084,000 Food products 12,088,000 Coal
New York 20,473,000 Coal 6,614,000 Chemicals
North Carolina 52,245,000 Coal 9,576,000 Chemicals
North Dakota 13,783,000 Coal 31,089,000 Farm products
Ohio 66,360,000 Coal 50,287,000 Coal
Oklahoma 33,241,000 Coal 16,916,000 Stone, sand, gravel
Oregon 19,638,000 Farm products 7,685,000 Lumber and wood
Pennsylvania 56,267,000 Coal 48,931,000 Coal
Rhode Island 516,000 Chemicals 77,000 All commodities
South Carolina 33,709,000 Coal 9,820,000 Chemicals
South Dakota 4,436,000 Coal and cement 16,527,000 Farm products
Tennessee 24,137,000 Coal 14,389,000 Intermodal
Texas 186,575,000 Coal 82,428,000 Chemicals
Utah 12,248,000 Coal and cement 16,600,000 Coal
Vermont 1,166,000 Nonmetallic minerals and chemicals 348,000 Ground earths, minerals
Virginia 63,379,000 Coal 34,553,000 Coal
Washington 59,106,000 Farm products 18,453,000 Intermodal
West Virginia 18,224,000 Coal 99,736,000 Coal
Wisconsin 56,566,000 Coal 12,940,000 Stone, sand, gravel
Wyoming 16,811,000 Coal 473,603,000 Coal
United States, total 1,714,164,000   1,678,064,000  

KEY: NA = not applicable.

NOTE: The top commodity is based on the 38 two-digit Standard Transportation Commodity Code groupings and is determined by the tonnage either originating or terminating in the state (including intrastate shipments.)

Commodity tonnage data are rounded estimates based on the Carload Waybill Sample.

SOURCE: Association of American Railroads, Railroads and States (2009), available at as of Jul. 12, 2011.