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Strengthening the team in Louisiana

FEMA’s recovery mission in Louisiana took an important new step recently, as I was honored to meet separately with outgoing Congressman Joseph Cao and representative-elect Cedric Richmond.

Our great partnership with the state was also exhibited, as top managers from the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), also attended the meeting, along with FEMA staff, including Joseph Threat, our Acting Executive Director of the Louisiana Recovery Office.

Before becoming the Regional Administrator for FEMA’s Region VI, I served as the head of FEMA’s Louisiana Recovery Office, where I got to know Congressman Cao very well. He has been a long time advocated for recovery in Louisiana and placed a strong focus on institutions of higher learning, particularly in Orleans Parish. During our meeting, both FEMA and our state partners renewed our commitment to continue supporting these universities in their ongoing recovery efforts.

Representative Cao is being succeeded by representative-elect Richmond, who took the opportunity to meet with FEMA and the state of Louisiana leadership, to become more familiar with the ongoing recovery work and future plans for Orleans and Jefferson parishes. I look forward to working closely with representative-elect Richmond in the new Congress.

Both meetings generated positive feedback from everyone involved and helped to further strengthen our shared goal of supporting Louisiana’s continued revival.
Last Updated: 
07/10/2012 - 16:26