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Author: Shayne Adamski
There are a ton of things competing for our attention in real life and online, and each one of us has different ways to stay organized and on-track with to do lists. For some, it’s a new sheet of paper every day or a bullet journal. For others, it’s tons of sticky notes strategically placed around the desk. And for the digitally inclined, it’s the latest organizer app.Your to do list may look something like this:Go grocery shoppingPay the billsCall momTake the dog to the vetCheck smoke alarmsWait, what? Check smoke alarms?That last item may not be on your to do list, but it...
Posted On: April 6, 2016
Author: Shayne Adamski
The digital age has made information more available and more accessible than ever before. That’s a good thing. Information drives innovation, a more engaged citizenry, and helps those of us working for you in government do a better job providing information you need to be safe and secure. But often, a consequence of living in a digital age is too much information all at once. For example, many websites have become crowded with distractions getting in the way of the content users are trying to find.There are too many navigation links. There are too many banner ads. Sometimes, you’...
Posted On: April 7, 2015
Author: Shayne Adamski
I wanted to write a quick update about a bunch of things going on at the agency right now – from fire grants to preparedness leaders to House of Cards.  There are a lot of updates below for different partners and customers.First, House of Cards. I’m a fan too and one of our real life initiatives is highlighted in this season. Jessica Stapf blogged about it – and other then the program being in an episode, there are no spoilers in her blog post. This is the House of Cards blog post for you to read. Enjoy.Second, preparedness leaders. The agency wants to recognize...
Posted On: March 20, 2015
Author: Shayne Adamski
I know that understanding data can sometimes be daunting, especially if you’re looking at a spreadsheet with rows, upon rows, upon rows of data.To make our data easier to understand, a small project team and I have been working on an innovative data visualization tool designed to help you better understand how we support communities and help visualize it in a way that tells a story. Watch this quick video to learn more about it: View in FEMA Multimedia LibraryHere’s a link to our data visualization tool.Our project team is really excited about bringing the visualization from...
Posted On: January 9, 2015
Author: Shayne Adamski
Crowdsourcing disasters. New social media sites. Centralized places to get info. Our digital team at FEMA has been busy launching a number of new tools to help the public and our partners to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. Here’s a quick rundown of the new resources:FEMA App with the Disaster Reporter featureFEMA’s Social HubFEMA LinkedInU.S. Fire Administration FacebookHow does this help you be a part of the emergency management team? Watch this demo from Administrator Fugate as he walks through all the new tools and resources you can take advantage of:Before a disaster,...
Posted On: August 2, 2013
Author: Shayne Adamski
Today we are taking a step forward and pulling back the curtain with a preview of the next iteration of to give you the opportunity to take a tour of the new site, and to “kick the tires” as the saying goes.When we began the process of our redesign, we started with the goal of creating a site that is more user-friendly, with up-to-date information, and easier to navigate. To reach this goal, some of the changes we made are: re-organizing the main content sections; adding drop-down menus; and integrating the “search” function to a greater extent within the website.As we move forward...
Posted On: June 21, 2012
Author: Shayne Adamski
Deputy Administrator Serino is hosting the next Think Tank conference call from San Francisco on Friday, February 17 and there are two additional seats available – and he would like you to participate in person.The topics that he will be discussing are:How to communicate with disaster survivors and distribute information to mass audiences if cellular and on-line communications are unavailable immediately following a catastrophic disaster. In particular, we will discuss how existing communications tools, such as amateur (ham) radio operators, can be leveraged and linked to other forms of mass...
Posted On: February 13, 2012
Author: Shayne Adamski
Just a reminder to everyone that FEMA does not provide emergency alerts (emergency, weather or otherwise) as this is a local responsibility. So we’re asking everyone to beware of phishing emails or websites claiming to provide official FEMA information or FEMA emergency alerts, as these sites are not operated by FEMA and can be harmful to your personal information or computer. If you are wondering how you can receive legitimate weather alerts, check out our blog post for a great list of weather alert sources. Here’s a short blurb to explain phishing, not to be confused with fishing in a...
Posted On: January 30, 2012
Author: Shayne Adamski
As the public affairs team scanned through our Twitter stream this morning, I wanted to share some of the day’s most relevant messages so far. If you’re not on Twitter, you can follow us @FEMA and Administrator Fugate or our other accounts we have to communicate with stakeholders.Two year anniversary of Haiti earthquake  Our thoughts are with Haiti today as we mark the 2nd anniversary of the EQ. Our work continues:— American Red Cross (@RedCross) January 12, 2012 Thinking of the millions of Haitians who lost loved ones 2 yrs ago as well as the ppl from all over...
Posted On: January 12, 2012
Author: Shayne Adamski
Here’s a short video from Administrator Fugate announcing the FEMA App is now available for Apple devices: After we launched the App for Android devices, we received feedback from users and have made some updates to the version for Apple devices. One of the things that people said is that the popup box in the map section was cumbersome on a phone’s small screen, so we:  Moved the disclaimer language to its own page so users can interact better with the map. Gave users the opportunity to choose between the Map view and the List view, whereas before, the App took the user directly...
Posted On: October 27, 2011