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Author: Public Affairs
  At the end of each week, we post a "What We’re Watching" blog as we look ahead to the weekend and recap events from the week. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family, and have a safe weekend. Ongoing SituationsWe continue to watch the ongoing Lower North Fork Fire in Colorado. While significant progress has been made on containing the fire, fire conditions will be elevated this weekend. We're working closely with our state and local partners in Colorado, and recently provided a Fire Management Assistance Grant to help fund their firefighting costs. While parts of...
Posted On: March 30, 2012
Author: Public Affairs
It is always gratifying when one of our FEMA team members is recognized by another organization for their outstanding work. So it gives me great pleasure to let you know that Mary Hudak, External Affairs Director for Region IV, received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Hurricane Conference on Tuesday, March 27. It is well deserved recognition for her passion to improve crisis communication in emergency management so that survivors of disasters get the information they need. Orlando, Fla., March 27, 2012 -- Mary Hudak, FEMA's Region IV External Affairs Director, is presented...
Posted On: March 28, 2012
Author: Public Affairs
Last Tuesday, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate met Maj. Gen. Eyal Eizenberg, the current commanding general of Israel’s Home Front Command, who is visiting the United States for a series of key governmental meetings.The Home Front Command and Israel’s National Emergency Management Authority (FEMA’s Israeli counterpart) have collaborated with us for over four years under an memorandum of understanding with DHS. The MOU provides the mechanism through which FEMA and Israel established an Emergency Management Working Group.The working group seeks to develop exchanges of information and support...
Posted On: March 26, 2012
Author: Public Affairs
Flood Safety Awareness Week is an excellent opportunity for all Americans to become more educated about the dangers that flooding can cause and what steps to take to be prepared for the risk of flooding.All floods are not alike, though. Some develop slowly during an extended period of rain or during a warming trend after a heavy snow. Others, such as flash floods and severe weather, can occur very rapidly, without warning or even any visible signs of rain. That’s why it’s critical to be prepared for flooding no matter where you live.Don’t be caught off guard. Get the facts. Know the risks....
Posted On: March 15, 2012
Author: Public Affairs
Flooding is the leading cause of severe weather-related deaths in the U.S. claiming on average nearly 100 lives a year. Most of these deaths occur in motor vehicles when people attempt to drive through flooded roadways. Many other lives are lost when people walk into or near flood waters. This happens because people underestimate the force and power of water, especially when it’s moving. The good news is it is preventable with the right knowledge and tools.A mere six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult. And it only takes 12 to 18 inches of flowing water to carry away...
Posted On: March 13, 2012
Author: Public Affairs
This week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and FEMA are once again partnering for National Flood Safety Awareness Week.  Each day of National Flood Safety Awareness week, we will provide key information related to flood hazards, and ways to protect yourself and your property.The influences of weather, water and climate on our daily lives and economic well being are manifold, and at times profound. A fact highlighted by the devastating and heartrending events of the past few years.NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, water, and climate...
Posted On: March 12, 2012
Author: Public Affairs
Every Friday, we do a “What We’re Watching” blog as we look ahead to the weekend. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family, and have a safe weekend.Tropical Storm Don Since our last blog update on tropical storm Don, National Hurricane Center forecasts from the National Weather Service are calling for tropical storm Don to bring heavy rains and high winds to areas of south Texas, starting tonight. Our regional office in Denton, Texas has been in regular contact with the Texas Division of Emergency Management to coordinate any potential response efforts.Yesterday, the Denton...
Posted On: July 29, 2011
Author: Public Affairs
As we mentioned yesterday, forecasts from the National Hurricane Center project tropical storm Don will affect south Texas late Friday evening or early Saturday morning. At this time, forecasters do not expect a significant increase in strength before it hits the U.S., however a tropical storm watch has been issued for the south Texas coastline, stretching from Brownsville to Galveston.As we continue to closely monitor the storm as it approaches land, we wanted to remind you of what a “watch” and “warning” means when it comes to severe tropical weather. Tropical storm watch = sustained...
Posted On: July 28, 2011
Author: Public Affairs
Editor's Note: As of 4 p.m. EDT, the storm system has further organized and intensified into tropical storm Don, with the current forecast track projecting landfall in southern Texas.  The National Hurricane Center website has the latest information, and we will continue to provide updates on this blog about our role.A wave of tropical thunderstorms is currently developing near the Yucatan Channel, between the coasts of Cuba and Mexico. According to the National Hurricane Center, this system is continuing to become better organized and if current trends continue, could become a tropical...
Posted On: July 27, 2011
Author: Public Affairs
Recently, we have seen a lot of questions and news coverage about why tornado survivors in Alabama may or may not be receiving federal aid assistance. Disaster survivors in Alabama and other parts of the nation have been through a lot, and we’re working hard to ensure that everyone who is eligible for federal assistance gets the help they need.We’ve spoken before about questions regarding federal disaster assistance. However, we wanted to take a moment to explain FEMA disaster assistance eligibility. Individuals and families in a declared area whose essential property has been damaged or...
Posted On: July 22, 2011