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FEMA Regions Continue Supporting States for Spring Flooding

The National Weather Service has issued forecasts indicating communities in the Dakotas and Minnesota are at a significant risk for major flooding this spring, and Ohio and other states are already dealing with significant floods. Indeed, disaster season 2011 is upon us, and we are working together to coordinate closely with states in the impacted regions as they respond to or prepare for flooding, and stand ready to assist them any way we can.

Our regional offices in Chicago and in Denver continue to monitor forecasts, plan for extreme flooding, and anticipate the commodities and resources that might be requested by the states of North and South Dakota, and Minnesota. In fact, since last year, we have been working closely with our state partners to incorporate lessons learned from past flood seasons into our emergency planning for this year, and continue to communicate with them to discuss emergency planning, and encourage personal preparations such as purchasing insurance, pre-assembling emergency supplies and creating a personal plan of action.

In February, our offices met with our respective federal, state and local officials, emergency managers, and representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the National Guard and NOAA. These meetings allowed us to hear directly from many of our response partners on coordinating efforts for this year’s flood season.

The shared borders of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota hold a rich history, common to all residents. These areas also share some challenges, particularly flooding, and potentially this year more than ever. FEMA is committed to supporting all three states with emergency assistance should they suffer severe impacts to overland and river flooding.

One final note: before flood waters rise, it’s important that residents and business owners become involved and prepared. Check out this blog post from Deputy Administrator Tim Manning about how you can prepare for flooding.

- Andrew and Robin

Last Updated: 
06/16/2012 - 17:10


It's great that all of this cooperative flood ...

It's great that all of this cooperative flood preparation is happening, however, I would hope that home & business owners are getting some basic flood mitigation information as well. Relatively easy to do things like flood walls around lower level & basemsnt entries & windows, backflow valves, elevating utilities and other non-structural preventative measures. Now is the time to take a few mitigation steps as well as insurance & preparedness.

Very good to hear that we are preparing for Floodi...

Very good to hear that we are preparing for Flooding. I'm living in Alaska so we're going to have floods but not as bad. people should know to prepare ahead of time and know when it will strike like these residents are doing in the Lower 48's.

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