Antenna Calibrations


NGS’s Antenna Calibration Program provides Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) antenna calibrations for specific antenna codes (antenna model + radome) used for processing GNSS data by NGS for use in all its products and services.

Since 30 June 2012, absolute antenna calibration values, are the default values on all the manufacturer specific pages, and in all OPUS processing. These absolute calibrations are reference frame specific and must be used when processing data with CORS coordinates in IGS08 epoch 2005.00 and NAD 83(2011,MA11,PA11) epoch 2010.00 coordinates, or discrepancies with published coordinates will be introduced to varying magnitudes. Prior to, 30 June 2012, the calibrations on this page were relative antenna calibrations, GPS only, and had different values. These relative calibrations are still available for legacy applications and must be used if you are processing GPS data in ITRF00 epoch 1997.00 and NAD 83(CORS96, PACP00, MARP00) epoch 2002.00, or earlier reference frames.

NGS also calibrates geodetic-grade antennas submitted by manufacturers.