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Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication (CERC)

	Image of Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) logo.

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication is the application of evidence-based principles to effectively communicate during emergencies. These principles are used by public health professionals and public information officers to provide information that helps individuals, stakeholders, and entire communities make the best possible decisions for themselves and their loved ones. CERC recognizes that during emergencies, we work under impossible time constraints and must accept the imperfect nature of our choices. CERC draws from lessons learned during public health emergencies and research in the fields of public health and emergency risk communication.

The CERC program consists of

Stay Connected

	Social media icons behind a laptop, tablet, and phone showing various media outlets to stay connected with each other.Sign up for the Emergency Partners Newsletter to receive updates and tips on emergency communications from CDC.


Zika CERC Discussions

Zika MosquitoTo address the communication concerns and needs related to the Zika response, CDC is hosting a series of Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication teleconferences.



	The word Learn in red and a computer mouse with cord coming from underneath and in front of the word.

  • In-Person Training
  • Online Training



	Various CERC materials (i.e., Pan Flu Manual, CERC Z-card, Wallet card, Quick Guides, Pan flu Story book and CD, and Leaders material).

  • Basic Materials
  • Materials for Leaders
  • Templates and Tools
  • Zika Materials
  • Ebola Materials
  • Pandemic Flu Materials


Shared Learning

	Images of people on top of a satellite image of earth.

  • CERC in Action
  • Webinars
  • Additional Resources

