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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Award Categories

Please be aware that FHWA is currently integrating the Exemplary Human Environment Initiatives (EHEIs) into its Environmental Excellence Awards Program. The next round of the EEAs is anticipated for 2015. For more information, please visit:
  1. Encouraging Nonmotorized Transportation - This category includes activities that promote greater use of bicycling, walking (including access for persons with disabilities), and other nonmotorized modes of travel. Some example activities are:
    • Active living programs (i.e. encouraging more physical activity as part of trip choices)
    • Promoting accessibility for persons with disabilities
    • Encouraging greater use of bicycling and walking for all ages or for target groups

  2. Enhancing the Environment for Human Activities - This category includes infrastructure changes that benefit human transportation to increase livability and quality of life. Some example activities are:
    • Changes in land use and transportation integration that promote nonmotorized trips (including those trips which are part of multimodal trip making)
    • Providing noteworthy facilities for bicycling and walking and integrating these facilities into highway and transit project development and design
    • Incorporating historic preservation activities (Section 106 Programmatic agreement successes with resolution of adverse effects) into project development and design
    • Beautification efforts that encourage human activities
    • Smart growth/sustainability initiatives
    • Transportation and land use integration
    • Safety and security improvements
    • Noise reduction
    • Creating or enhancing opportunities for recreational activities
    • Light pollution reduction (while still considering safety and security needs)

  3. Process Improvements - This category includes changes in a process or procedure that allow for more efficiency of service delivery. Some example activities would be:
    • Acquisition and relocation innovations
    • Community oriented practices that yield tangible results through partnering and collaboration
    • Innovative approaches to context sensitive solutions
    • Collaborative decision making efforts which result in project solutions that gain public acceptance
    • Environmental Justice (e.g. recognizing and/or addressing EJ/Title VI issues in transportation documents and decision-making)
    • Scenario planning
    • Noteworthy community impact assessment techniques
    • Lessening the adverse impacts of property acquisition (e.g. innovative practices that still meet Federal regulations)
    • Initiatives to provide Decent, Safe, and Sanitary housing in communities with limited resources
    • Improving relocation services for homeowners and businesses by going beyond normal circumstances to accommodate unusual situations
    • Last resort housing requiring creative exploration and implementation
    • Marketing
    • Public participation and community outreach that encourages communities to take ownership and pride in their communities

  4. Educational and Training Programs - This category includes efforts to inform individuals about issues or changes that should be made to improve the human environment.
    • Enhanced outreach to low income and minority communities, low-literacy and limited English proficiency populations, as well as the results of those activities in terms of Environmental Justice mitigation
    • Education and outreach - e.g. environmental education that focuses on connecting kids with nature, or education about the interaction between the human environment and the natural environment
    • Cultural awareness or cultural understanding
    • Tourism promotion (including heritage tourism)

  5. Product Development - This category includes modeling and technology related activities that resulted in the creation or improvement of a tangible product or technology that improves everyday processes.
    • Creative use of GIS and other information technology initiatives
    • Visualization tools for communicating information
    • Visual imagery
    • Incident management systems
    • Travel Model Improvement Process (TMIP)
    • Modeling (land-use, people movement, etc.)

  6. Others - This category includes those activities that do not fit in categories 1-5.
    • Border planning
    • Freight planning
    • Economic development
Updated: 4/2/2014
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