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International Cooperation

Forest Service employees collaborate with natural resource professionals around the globe on a wide range of sustainable forest management and biodiversity issues including illegal logging, forestry research, migratory species habitat conservation and many others.

International cooperation is the most effective means for confronting the interconnected ecological and economic issues related to forests. In fact, the U.S. Forest Service actively engages in scientific research, technical cooperation, development, and conservation activities in more than 90 countries around the world. The agency has more than 100 years of experience—and a wealth of skills—to foster sustainable forest management. By working to promote sustainable forest management globally, international cooperation addresses important natural resource management issues such as climate change and carbon sequestration, illegal logging, biodiversity conservation, and habitat protection for migratory species. International cooperation improves sustainable natural resource practices in partner countries, develops the skills of U.S. Forest Service personnel, and brings back knowledge and innovative technologies to the United States.

At all U.S. Forest Service research stations, the agency’s top scientists work with international counterparts to pursue solutions for significant natural resource challenges. These collaborations inspire important innovations for the United States and for other countries. Through global research cooperation and knowledge exchange, U.S. Forest Service and partners can address the most critical forest management problems.

The founding of U.S. Forest Service is rooted in international cooperation. In its early days, the agency adapted European forestry concepts to the American context for the U.S. Forest Service. Throughout its 110 year history, the agency has continued to engage internationally.

To learn more about U.S. Forest Service work overseas, please visit the links below.

International Programs

International Institute of Tropical Forestry

Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry

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