Using Geospatial Techniques to Plan for Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Habitats

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This webinar presentation describes how a national wildlife refuge worked with geospatial analysts to incorporate sea level rise projections into conservation efforts. The team used two geospatial tools: the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) to predict potential marsh migration caused by sea level riseā€”and the Habitat Priority Planner, which incorporated these predictions to identify priority conservation areas for key species.

Learning Outcomes

  • Utilize Digital Coast data sets and tools to model sea level rise impacts in a coastal community
  • Describe how the Habitat Priority Planner helped identify priority conservation areas for wetland migration
  • Identify ways in which communities are using project outputs for local conservation planning


Chrissa Waite, NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Recorded April 28, 2011

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