Climate Change Science

Climate Change

Explore all things climate—including:

Climate Change Science

Climate change fundamentals:

Orbiting Carbon Observatory above earthSee what science tells us about climate change: Climate Science Overview​
Smoke emits from a facility smokestackLearn how and why Earth's climate is changing: Causes of Climate Change
Image of the continents in various shades of red; adapted from IPCC's projected changes in global average temperaturesSee how our planet may be affected in the future: Future of Climate Change

A deeper look:

photo of an agricultural field in the sunsetClimate Change Impacts explores impacts by region, sector, and state.

Photo of a tick, Ixodes scapularis, atop a blade of grassClimate Change Indicators tracks the ways our planet is already changing.

Photo of palm trees in stormExtreme Weather illustrates how these events are linked to climate change.

Photo of a roofer working in the sunsetBenefits of Global Action compares two futures: with and without climate action.