• Archived Posts

My Thoughts from Joplin, MO

Red Cross Youth volunteer Jerrika Walkup, 15, has been helping people at the Red Cross shelter in Joplin, Missouri after a massive tornado tore through the town last week.  She is from Neosho, Missouri. When the American Red Cross called me to ask if I could write a blog post about what I’ve seen and […]

Partnering in the Fight Against Measles: ONE and the American Red Cross

On a chilly November evening last year, hundreds of Capitol Hill staffers crowded together in a small set of rooms, clamoring to hear the latest about the power of life-saving vaccines.

Tornadoes in the Midwest

This is re-posted from our Disaster Online Newsroom. Please visit the Newsroom for more information about what the Red Cross is doing. Update 5/23/11 11:45 AM EDT: People in Joplin, MO seeking immediate transportation to shelter can find information on the Joplin city web site. Disaster Update The Red Cross is providing food, shelter and […]

Weekly Worldwide Wrap-Up

Welcome to the Weekly Worldwide Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling of the larger and/or more intriguing aspects of our global work… QATAR: Health professionals and other specialists from 10 different countries gathered in Doha to […]

Observations from a Disaster Volunteer in Alabama

This post is written by Jim Prive, a loyal Red Cross volunteer who deployed to Alabama to assist with relief efforts for victims of the recent tornadoes.

What We’re Reading: Save a Life edition

What do kids, twitter, video games, and ultimate frisbee players have in common?

Down the Street and Around the World

While the American Red Cross has been busy responding to tornadoes, flooding and wildfires across the United States, our disaster management experts have also been working around the world to help other communities respond to and recover from major disasters.

Weekly Worldwide Wrap-Up

Welcome to the Weekly Worldwide Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling of the larger and/or more intriguing aspects of our global work… LIBYA: A ship chartered by the ICRC arrived in Misrata this week, carrying medical […]

What We’re Reading

Dear Alabama, HelpWriteNow, Go kit, and country stars (two) stepping up

What We’re Reading (and watching, and listening to)

Tactical Sammich, Sending a lifeline from 1885, Emergency alerts for your cell, Uniting for Japan and the South.