• Archived Posts

What We’re Reading

Heroic cats, a sandwich in a can, giving data, texting, and a song.

A Deeper Glance into Casework

Today I saw my work come to life, and it will be something that I remember for a long time.

Selling Hope

These Stores of Hope offer holiday shoppers a chance to buy something they can feel but cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or hold. Chapters near Minneapolis, Las Vegas, and Phoenix have opened stores and kiosks for the 2010 Holiday Season.

Happy Cyber Monday

Give the gift that saves the day.

Happenings in Balad

The area around base is actually full of farmland. And sunflowers! Driving down a little further, I saw an Iraqi woman in a rather bright cover (neon color, I think) who was just staring in at the base.

What Are You Thankful For?

What items are on your list of things to be thankful for? Throughout the year, we work on providing simple comforts, much-needed blood, and other services for people all across the country. We’re thankful for the support of our donors, which helps us provide things like: Blankets and hot meals for disaster victims Measles vaccinations […]

Weekly Worldwide Wrap-Up

Welcome to the Weekly Worldwide Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling of the larger and/or more intriguing aspects of our global work… DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: In areas that can’t be accessed by trucks, ICRC […]


When I woke up this morning and was thinking about blogging, I thought about Thanksgiving and how much I personally have to feel grateful for.

The Big Picture: Apartment Fires

Shanghai Apartment Fire [The Big Picture] One week ago, on November 15th, in Shanghai, China, a fire erupted, apparently within construction materials and scaffolding surrounding an occupied 30-story apartment building under renovation. The flames quickly spread to the building itself and soon engulfed the entire structure. Fire safety resources The American Red Cross responds to […]

How I got here is a good story, what we do here is a better one

Dispatch from Balad: No matter the location, the Red Cross always seems to enlist the help of volunteers, Balad notwithstanding.