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Current Grant Funding Opportunities

  • WIOA National Dislocated Worker Grants Pilot: TEGL-6-16

    ETA will accept nine DWG applications through this alternative method of application submission. Applications under this pilot will be accepted on a first come - first serve basis. Only applicants filing for a DWG from DOL, as authorized by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 170(b)(l)(A) may use this pilot. Applications for disasters, trade impacted workers, dislocated service members and emergency dislocations must be submitted using the current DWG electronic application system (e-System) accessible to States and Agencies. Upon receipt of nine fundable applications, ETA will close this submission method and will remove this TEGL from

  • Reemployment & System Integration Dislocated Worker Grants: TEGL-5-16

    DOL announces the availability of up to $65 million for Reemployment & System Integration (RSI) Dislocated Worker Grants (RSI-DWGs) of up to $1.1 million per State (including Outlying Areas), to support high quality service delivery and improve employment outcomes for dislocated workers, including those who are also unemployment insurance claimants or long-term unemployed, through investment in integrated technology solutions that support connectivity across programs and services provided to dislocated workers. The organizations that are eligible to apply for funding under this opportunity are the State agencies responsible for administering WIOA title I activities, including those in Outlying Areas.

  • Portable Retirement Benefits Planning: FOA-WB-16-02

    The Women's Bureau (WB) announces the availability of approximately $100,000 in grant funds to increase retirement security for low-wage workers-many of whom have never had access to retirement benefits through an employer. The grant will help nonprofit organizations ("nonprofits") undertake certain types of program-planning activities needed to develop a portable retirement benefits program for their stakeholders or target populations. Two (2) to four (4) grants of between $25,000 and $75,000 each will be awarded. Selection of grantees will be based on the strength of the proposal, including the design, cost, innovative ideas and solutions, and ability to access relevant data to support the program.

    Please see FAQs.

  • Disability Employment Initiative Cooperative Agreements: FOA-ETA-16-07

    ETA solicits applications for Round VII of the Disability Employment Initiative (DEI). The period of performance is 42 months with an anticipated start date of October 1, 2016. This performance period includes all necessary implementation and start-up activities. ETA anticipates executing approximately eight cooperative agreements between $1,500,000 NS $2,500,000 to lead applicants, which will serve as the recipient and have overall fiscal and administrative responsibility for the cooperative agreement. This responsibility may not be delegated. The lead applicant must be the state workforce agency (SWA) that is eligible for funding under Title I of WIOA or for funding under the W-P Act. The SWA, as well as the Local Workforce Development Board(s) (LWDB) identified as a required partner for this grant, must be involved in existing career pathways systems, programs, and partnerships.

  • Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP): FOA-ETA-16-04-A

    Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is reopening the SCSEP FOA open period through the closing date noted below to help ensure adequate coverage of the necessary geographic areas and associated participant slots.

    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL, or the Department, or we), announces the availability of approximately $338,520,000 in grant funds authorized by Title V of the Older Americans Act (OAA) as amended in 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-365 for the Community Service Employment for Older Americans program commonly referred to as the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), for National Grants for Program Year (PY) 2016. We anticipate awarding approximately 10-22 grants ranging from $2 million to $50 million each under this FOA. Awards made under this announcement are subject to the availability of Federal funds.

  • ApprenticeshipUSA State Expansion Grants: FOA-ETA-16-13

    ApprenticeshipUSA State Expansion Grant funding will help States to develop and implement comprehensive strategies to support apprenticeship expansion; engage industry and workforce intermediaries , employers, and other partners to expand and market apprenticeship to new sectors and underserved populations; enhance State Capacity to conduct outreach and work with employers to start new programs; and expand and diversify participation in apprenticeship through State innovations, incentives, and system reforms. Grants will be awarded to an estimated 33 successful applicants. Fiscal Year 2016 funding may range from $700,000 to $3,200,000 and be available for expenditure by the grantees for a period of up to 18 months.

    Prospective Applicant Webinar Recording

    FAQ Document (pdf format)

  • Occupational Licensing Review and Portability: NOI-ETA-16-14

    ETA announces this Notice of Intent requesting Letters of Interest for a sole source award to help enhance the portability of occupational licensing. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) intends to award up to a total of $7,500,000 to one or a few national or regional organizations that will establish consortia of states to design and implement strategies that enhance the portability of occupational licenses and to otherwise reduce overly burdensome restrictions.

  • America's Promise Job Driven Grant Program: FOA-ETA-16-12

    ETA announces the availability of approximately $100,000,000 in grant funds for America's Promise Job-driven Grant Program. We expect to fund approximately 20-40 grants, with individual grant amounts ranging from $1 million to $6 million. This competitive grant program will build on the momentum of WIOA to develop and expand regional partnerships and training opportunities particularly for middle- to high-skilled H-1B industries and occupations, ensuring that communities fully maximize their Federal, state and local funds to build a competitive workforce.

    Grants will be awarded to a regional workforce partnership of public and private sector entities that includes the following partners: Employer and industry representatives that align with the partnership's regional sector strategies; Workforce investment system representing the regional service area; Economic development agencies representing the regional service area; and Education and training providers representing the regional service area.

    Frequently Asked Questions updated 7/20/16

    We will be hosting a stakeholder webinar June 15, 2016 and pre-recording a prospective applicant webinar before June 27, 2016. Links to the recordings are below:

  • YouthBuild 2016: FOA-ETA-16-10

    The Employment and Training Administration announces the availability of approximately $80 million in grant funds for YouthBuild. WIOA further engages the YouthBuild program by making it a required One-Stop partner, providing the opportunity for YouthBuild to share its expertise in serving out-of-school youth. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2016, DOL hopes to serve approximately 5,250 participants during the grant period of performance, with approximately 80 projects awarded across the country. Individual grants will range from$700,000 to $1.1 million and require an exact 25 percent match from applicants, using sources other than federal funding.

  • Paid Leave Analysis Grants: FOA-WB-16-01

    The Women's Bureau (WB), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL, or the Department, or we), announces the availability of approximately $1 million in grant funds. This program is intended to support research and analysis needed to explore, develop, implement, and/or improve paid family and medical leave programs. To be eligible for funds under this grant program, an applicant MUST be a government entity from one of the following levels of government: State; County; City or Township; U.S. Territory or Possession; or federally recognized Indian/Native American Tribe. In addition, the applicant's jurisdiction MUST have an estimated population of at least 50,000 residents.

    Please see the attached FAQ for additional information

  • Pathways to Justice Careers for Youth (PJC): FOA-ETA-16-09

    This program supports at-risk and court-involved youth that are still in school ("eligible youth") by providing: 1) exposure to the world of work in the career fields of justice and emergency services, 2) mentoring to encourage participants to complete a high school diploma or equivalency, and 3) supportive services that engage participants and deter them from engaging or re-engaging with the criminal justice system. The Department plans to award approximately 5 grants of up to $1,000,000 each. These grants will combine case management, mentoring, career exploration, and exposure to the world of work models in the field of justice and emergency services for in-school youth ages 16 to 21, that are eligible to graduate within 2 years and are at risk of dropping out of school or at risk of entanglement in the criminal justice system, or both; the eligible youth must be enrolled in a public secondary school or alternative secondary school.

  • Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) Technical Assistance (TA) Grants: FOA-ETA-16-11

    DOL Agencies ETA, Women's Bureau, and the Office of Apprenticeship announce the availability of approximately $1,988,000.00 in grant funds to solicit applications for the WANTO TA Grants program. These grants will be awarded competitively to CBOs to set up and administer Regional/Multi-State TA Resource Center that will focus on conducting innovative projects to improve the recruitment, selection, training, employment, and retention of women, women of color and women with disabilities in A/NTO. Through this competition, DOL is interested in establishing a national network of TA Resource Centers, to assist in the recruitment and retention of women in A/NTO.

    The text of Funding Opportunity Announcement FOA-ETA-16-11 is inconsistent as it applies to the requirement that a consortium of Community-based Organizations applying for grant funding must provide a Consortium Agreement with the application package. Though Section III.C.1 and Section IV.B.4 of the FOA require a consortium applicant to provide a copy of the consortium agreement in order for their application to be deemed responsive, the consortium agreement was inadvertently omitted from the applicant checklist provided in Section III.C.1 of the FOA. In light of this discrepancy, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) will not deem a consortium applicant as non-responsive should this agreement not be included in the application. In this case, ETA will request that the Consortium Agreement be provided by the applicant prior to grant award, or as a term and condition of the grant award.

  • Re-Entry Demonstration Projects for Young Adults: FOA-ETA-16-06

    This Reentry Demonstration Projects for Young Adults Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) provides the opportunity for organizations to build a customized project built on evidence-based and informed interventions. These projects will serve young adults between the ages of 18 to 24 who have been involved in the juvenile or adult justice system and reside in high-poverty, high-crime communities. The focus of this initiative is to assist communities in planning and implementing comprehensive "reentry" programs to address the full range of challenges involved in helping young offenders released from incarceration make a successful transition back to the community. The intent of this initiative is to protect community safety through the successful reintegration of offenders returning to the community by ensuring that offenders: • become productive, responsible, and law-abiding citizens; • are provided with positive opportunities to engage in pro-social activities such as employment or education; • maintain long-term employment; • sustain a stable residence; and • successfully address their substance abuse issues and mental health needs.

  • National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) Employment and Training Grants and Housing Assistance Grants (NFJP): FOA-ETA-16-02

    ETA announces the availability of approximately $81,402,000 in grant funds for the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) Employment and Training Grants and Housing Assistance Grants. The purpose of this program is to assist eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFWs) and their dependents, including youth MSFWs, receive career services, training services, housing assistance services, youth services, and other related assistance services that help retain and stabilize their current agriculture jobs as well as acquire new skills they need to start careers that provide higher wages and stable, year-round employment. To support better economic outcomes for farmworkers, NFJP also works to meet a critical need for quality housing.

  • Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP): FOA-ETA-16-04

    ETA announces the availability of approximately $338,520,000 in grant funds for the Community Service Employment for Older Americans program commonly referred to as the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), for National Grants for Program Year (PY) 2016. Eligible applicants must be a non-profit organization, Federal public agency, or Tribal organization consortium that has the ability to administer a multi-State program. Program participants receive paid work experience at local public or non-profit agencies and are paid the higher of the Federal, State, or local minimum wage, or the prevailing wage for similar employment, for approximately 20 hours per week while in community service and other job training. The dual goals of the program are to promote useful opportunities in community service job training and to move SCSEP participants into unsubsidized employment. This is a four-year grant, renewable annually for each of those four years based on annual Departmental application requirements and subject to the availability of funds.

  • Summer Jobs and Beyond: Career Pathways for Youth (CPY): FOA-ETA-16-08

    ETA announces the availability of up to $20,000,000 in grant funds to provide employment-related services to eligible youth who are new entrants to the workforce, including those with limited current or past work experience. The program will provide youth with work experience opportunities, including summer and year-round part-time job opportunities for ISY and employment and work experience opportunities throughout the year for OSY, and exposure to career pathways in in-demand job sectors. This program will fund projects designed to link existing summer employment programs, including the LWDB-administered local summer employment programs and non-LWDB programs run by cities/counties (where they exist), with LEAs, re-engagement centers (where they exist), employers, and other community partners to streamline service delivery, align resources, and assist youth in preparing for successful entry into the workforce. To be eligible for a CPY grant, applicants must administer an existing summer employment program or partner with an existing summer employment program that is not administered by the LWDB. The Department expects that most LWDB-administered programs will be WIOA-funded.

  • Linking to Employment Activities Pre-Release through Specialized America Job Centers (AJCS) - ("LEAP-2"): FOA-ETA-16-03

    The purpose of this pilot program is to provide incarcerated individuals with workforce services prior to release and link them to a continuum of services offered through their community-based AJCs post-release. These grants are job-driven and build connections to local employers that will enable transitioning offenders to secure employment. The jail-based specialized AJCs will enable transitioning offenders to prepare for employment prior to release and continue with Individual Employment Plans (as described in Section IV) in the community once released. Eligible applicants are Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs). LWDBs must apply in partnership with their county or municipal governments and their county, municipal, or regional correctional facilities (this excludes any state or Federal correctional facilities that may be located in the local commuting area) and provide evidence of this partnership in their application.

  • Strengthening Working Families Initiative: FOA-ETA-16-05

    This announcement solicits applications for the Strengthening Working Families Initiative (SWFI) grant program. On June 23, 2014, President Obama convened the White House Summit on Working Families, which was jointly hosted by the Department of Labor, Center for American Progress and the White House Council on Women and Girls. To help meet White House objectives, the Department is interested in supporting evidence-based strategies or innovations based on these models that remove a range of barriers to training, including child care and other needs that working families face, by investing in education and skills training in combination with customized participant supportive services. Of particular interest are new promising ideas developed through human centered design methodology and behavioral insight research. To support these efforts, applicants are required to leverage cash or in-kind resources amounting to at least 25 percent of the total award.

  • TechHire Partnership Grants: FOA-ETA-16-01

    ETA announces the availability of approximately $100,000,000 in grant funds for the TechHire partnership grant program. This grant program is designed to equip individuals with the skills they need through innovative approaches that can rapidly train workers for and connect them to well-paying, middle- and high-skilled, and high-growth jobs across a diversity of H-1B industries such as Information Technology (IT), healthcare, advanced manufacturing, financial services, and broadband. Projects funded by this grant program will help participants begin careers in H-1B occupations and industries which are in-demand and/or high growth in the area applicants are proposing to serve.

    On a limited basis, this grant program will also enable applicants to work with companies on increasing the skills of existing workers in lower-skilled jobs to move into more highly skilled positions requiring technology-related skills. These grants will pilot and scale public-private partnerships among the workforce investment system, education and training providers, and business-related nonprofit organizations to address the following goals for the target populations. Grants will be awarded to the lead applicant, which will serve as the grantee and have overall fiscal and administrative responsibility for the grant.

  • Training to Work 3 - Adult Reentry: FOA-ETA-15-07-A

    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL, or the Department, or we), announces the availability of approximately $20 million in grant funds authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Second Chance Act of 2007 for Training to Work 3 - Adult Reentry.

    This Training to Work 3 - Adult Reentry (T2W3) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) provides the opportunity for up to 14 organizations to develop and implement career pathways programs in demand sectors and occupations for men and women, including veterans, and people with disabilities, who are at least 18 years old and who are enrolled in work release programs (WRP). Additionally, grantees must provide a strategy to prioritize services to veterans that are in these WRPs. Career pathways are frameworks that help to define and map out a sequence of education, training and workforce skills training resulting in skilled workers that meet employers' needs. Career pathways link and coordinate education and training services in ways that enable workers to attain necessary credentials and, ultimately, employment. T2W3 is aligned with the Department's goal to make our Federal employment and training programs more job-driven.


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