
Since the problem of piracy in the Horn of Africa (HOA) region began to escalate in the late summer of 2008, the Maritime Administration (MARAD) has been involved in working with other Federal agencies (particularly the U.S. Coast Guard and the Department of State) to address the risks and develop strategies to protect commercial shipping.  These efforts have included frequent interaction with the U.S.-flag maritime industry, labor, and with international shipping associations.  MARAD staff members serve on the U.S. Delegation to the International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee where piracy issues are deliberated and guidance is developed. In addition, MARAD staff members have served on the U.S. Delegation to the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia since January 2009.

The following actions by government and industry during the past several years, which MARAD has helped develop and implement, appear to have substantially reduced the rate of successful pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia.

  • Development of the curriculum on Training for Use of Force Against Piracy.
  • Development of “Best Management Practices (BMP) to Combat Piracy” by shipping organizations.
  • International development and acceptance of International Maritime Organization (IMO) circulars and annexes which provide advice to flag states and industry on preventing successful pirate attacks.
  • Frequent publishing of updated MARAD and Office of Naval Intelligence threat advisories.
  • The development and implementation of U.S. Coast Guard maritime security directives which provide shipping companies with specific risk-based measures to deter, detect, and disrupt piracy.
  • The support of international navies including Combined Maritime Force vessels (CTF-151, NATO, EU NAVFOR) and vessels from other navies, which have increased naval presence in the region and are patrolling and escorting vessels in the Horn of Africa (HOA) region.

As a facilitator between maritime industry and the federal interagency, MARAD also provides maritime security information to both the private and public sectors in the event of a transportation crisis.

The POC for MARAD efforts in this area is Christopher Owsianieki, Office of Security, at (202) 366-0223.

Anti-Piracy Assistance Team (APAT)

MARAD has coordinated with Military Sealift Command to establish an Anti-Piracy Assistance Team (APAT) program.  These teams consist of one or two Navy Criminal Investigative Service representatives and one MARAD representative who, upon request, visit and assess U.S.-flag vessels in U.S. ports and provide security recommendations to the Master and Company Security Officer.  This is a voluntary program, which has been well received by industry.  More than 100 assessments have been completed since this program began in April 2009.

Click here for APAT Lessons Learned.

Regional Piracy

Horn of Africa
Piracy off the coast of Somalia escalated in 2008 causing a significant disruption to the Marine Transportation System (MTS), as well as endangering the life of merchant mariners.  As part of the Maritime Administration (MARAD) action plan for addressing piracy off the Horn of Africa (HOA), pertinent updates and advice are consolidated on this site for ease of access to information on counter piracy and armed robbery.  This information is intended for ship owners, operators, and other maritime industry representatives to assist them in prevention of these crimes.

Gulf of Guinea
Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea has trended upwards since 2012.  Pirates in this region have typically attacked ships in order to rob from the crew and steal ship stores as opposed to Somali pirates who typically kidnap the crew for ransom payments.

Southeast Asia
Additional information on piracy in South East Asia can be found at

Additional Information


Counter Piracy Measures

Information Services
