Germans tour C-130J, see piece of flying mission
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- Fourteen members of the Ramstein Works Council II recently given the opportunity recently to view part of Air Force operations they normally aren't involved.

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- Fourteen members of the Ramstein Works Council II recently given the opportunity recently  to view part of Air Force operations they normally aren't involved.

On July 29, a group of Germans, all employed by the Air Force, toured a C-130J Super Hercules and the facility that stores the Hercules aircraft parts.

"It was very interesting for the German personnel to see inside of the aircraft," said Karl Hollstein, Ramstein Works Council II alternate chairperson. "It's not something we would see every day."

The tour showed German employees from the 86th Maintenance, 86th Operations, 86th Medical, 86th Logistics Readiness and 86th Civil Engineer groups a special part of the Ramstein mission.

"The objective of the tour was to share information and articulate how non-U.S. employees play a critical role in accomplishing the mission," said James Fitzpatrick, 86th CEG deputy commander. "Main functions of the works council are to propose actions to the benefit of non-U.S. personnel and to ensure laws, the collective tariff agreement and regulations are observed. It is important works council members understand what we do and why we do it."

Each of the Ramstein Work Councils is chaired by a Ramstein group commander who works hand-in-hand with the council members to deal with issues that impact the non-U.S. workforce on Ramstein. For Ramstein Works Council II, the 86th CEG commander holds the chair position.

As the 'agency chief', or management representative, to the Works Council II, 86th CEG Commander Col. Doug Hammer meets with the works council monthly to share information about activities happening around the base, listen to their concerns and resolve issues.

To let non-U.S. employees of Ramstein Works Council II know how much the 86th Airlift Wing appreciates them, Mr. Fitzpatrick said Colonel Hammer plans to coordinate more site visits across the Kaiserslautern Military Community and share more information about the 86th AW mission.

According the Herr Hollstein, Works Council II aids the German employees assigned to Ramstein with personnel actions such as new assignments or transfers, working with the civilian personnel office to provide solutions to issues.

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