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Feedback and Questions

The Corporate Communication Department is responsible for release of all public information. Questions regarding public tours, press releases, special events and other FRC East-related information should be addressed to this office.

The Corporate Communication Department can be reached at: (252) 464-7028 or DSN 451-7028 or by e-mail: FRC_EAST_PAO@navy.mil.


Technical Web Site Issues:

Send an e-mail with feedback on site problems such as broken links, error messages, pages not found/displaying, etc.


Send an e-mail to the design and development team with web site suggestions & inputs.

Section 508 Issues:

We are continually working to ensure that this website is accessible to everyone. If you find a problem related to Section 508 that prevents access, please contact us. Information that cannot be accessed will be provided in an alternative format.



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