SECCHI - Solar Physics Branch - Naval Research Laboratory

New: "Blended" EUVI Movies!

We are pleased to announce the availability of a new data set for the STEREO/SECCHI mission: blended EUVI movies!

We took our wavelet-enhanced images from the SECCHI Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) and blended them in two pairs (195 and 171 Angstroms, and 195 and 304 Angstroms) to produce these beautiful views that take advantage of EUVI's large field-of-view and provide us with the most extensive views of the solar corona available.

Sample movies

We have provided here some sample half-reslution movies. You should just be able to click the images below to start the movies (though it might take a minute for them to load, depending on your connection speed). If you do not see the movies, or they don't load, there are direct link to the files -- including higher resolution files -- at the bottom of this page.

This first movie is a blend of the EUVI 171-Angstrom and 195-Angstrom wavelengths (yellow component = 171, red = 195). These correspond to solar atmosphere temperatures of 0.9-million degrees and 1.4-million degrees Kelvin, respectively. The movie is made from one image pair per hour for the entire month of August 2010. The 'blocky noise' you see around the edge of the movie is a result of the compression algorithm we use for sending the data down from the spacecraft.

This second movie is a blend of the EUVI 304-Angstrom and 195-Angstrom wavelengths (silver component = 195, red = 304). These correspond to solar atmosphere temperatures of approximately 80,000 degrees and 1.4-million degrees Kelvin, respectively. The movie is made from one image pair per hour for the entire month of August 2010.

Direct downloads

If you can't see the above movies, want to save them to your computer, or want higher resolution, right-click the following links and choose the "save link as..." option:

Data Availability

We have files for the entire SECCHI EUVI mission (~March 2007 - Present) processed in this way but we do not currently have direct online access to these files. If you wish to use this data for your work, please email the webmaster -- -- preferably including the words "SECCHI EUVI movies" in the subject line to help avoid our spam filters.