Knowledge Initiative: Learning from What Works

The Social Innovation Fund (SIF) Knowledge Initiative provides resources to grantees and subgrantees to learn what works, what doesn't work, and why. 

Through the Knowledge Initiative (KI), the SIF:

  • Provides information on public-private partnerships, scaling, and evaluation findings of SIF grantees,
  • ​Captures best practices and lessons learned,
  • Informs partners and key stakeholders of challenges and success as similar initiatives are implemented,
  • And explores effective models that address pressing social challenges.

SIF Classic National Assessment

The National Assessment of the SIF Classic Program was commissioned by the Corporation for National and Community Service and conducted by ICF International.  It focused on SIF Classic grantees’ adoption of evidence-based grantmaking strategies, ability, and willingness to build the evidence base for the service models they support, to scale the service models, and to use collaborative approaches to address local community needs. It sought to answer the question, “Is SIF a transformative program?” And the answer is ‘yes.’

SIF Pay for Success National Process Evaluation

The Social Innovation Fund commissioned Abt Associates to develop reports and special topic briefs to provide practical insights on specific aspects of Pay for Success programming and assist stakeholders in making informed decisions as they explore and implement projects.


A key goal of the SIF is to build the evaluation capacity of community-based organizations so they can successfully assess whether their programs are truly creating impact. The CNCS Evidence Exchange is a virtual repository of reports intended to help our grantees and other interested stakeholders find information about evidence- and research - based national service and social innovation programs.

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