Historical information on the command
AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy (March 20, 2011) - A 31st Fighter Wing F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot receives a handshake from a member of his flight crew at Aviano Air Base after returning from supporting Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn (JTF OD). JTF OD is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973.  UNSCR 1973 authorizes   "all necessary measures" to protect civilians in Libya under threat of attack by Qadhafi regime forces.  JTF Odyssey Dawn is commanded by U.S. Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear, III.  (US Army Photo by SSG Tierney P. Wilson/Released)



History of EUCOM

Since 1952, EUCOM has participated in or provided support to more than 200 named operations varying from humanitarian and natural disaster relief efforts to peacekeeping and anti-terrorism/force protection operations across Europe. Its past is just as varied as its present. During the Cold War years, EUCOM focused on preserving peace in Europe. Since then EUCOM has deployed forces to support more than 95 contingency, NEO, and humanitarian operations and continues to build upon its proud heritage and achievements.

Fact Sheets

Fact sheets provide PDF-formatted overviews of key information about United States European Command for the media.

Each year in the spring, Combatant Commanders are called to Washington to report on the state, or "posture," of their commands to the United States Congress. In these posture hearings, the Commander outlines the vision, priorities and progress that guide and distinguish the command, showcasing all of the hard work that goes on across EUCOM every day and the results those efforts deliver.
Since 1952, EUCOM has participated in or provided support to more than 200 named operations varying from humanitarian and natural disaster relief efforts to peacekeeping and anti-terrorism/force protection operations across Europe.
Fact sheets provide PDF-formatted overviews of key information about United States European Command for the media.
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