U.S. Marines Hold NCO Course for Multinational Partners during Sea Breeze 2011
More than 30 non-commissioned officers (NCO) from Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, and the U.S. deployed to Exercise Sea Breeze 2011 attended a two-day training course on leadership development held at the Shirokyilan facility from Nicolaev.

SHIROKYILAN, Ukraine - More than 30 non-commissioned officers (NCO) from Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, and the U.S. deployed to Exercise Sea Breeze 2011 attended a two-day training course on leadership development held at the Shirokyilan facility from Nicolaev.

According to Sgt. Maj. Steven Peck, 3rd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division of the U.S. Marines, the training focused on such important issues as: developing a non-commissioned officer, rules of behavior, discipline, standards and expectations from NCOs, leadership styles, leading by example and others.

“Such training sessions are very important for developing highly-skilled, non-commissioned officers able to act as leaders,” said Peck. “By bringing the audience together, we tried to build a cooperative working environment and enhance interoperability.”

Vasily Chaicovski, a shooter within the Moldovan 22nd Peacekeeping Operation Battalion, felt the training was useful for Moldovan non-commissioned officers.

“This was a good chance to share our experiences of leader-subordinate relationship, leadership skills and discipline maintaining process with other militaries,” said Chaicovski.

Ukrainian Sgt. Anton Kornev considered the course to be very useful for his everyday service.

“This was new knowledge learned from our Macedonian, Moldovan, and U.S. partners,” said Kornev. “This was also a chance to apply all the acquired knowledge in our previous activities.”

The international contingent deployed to Shirokyilan facility from Nicolaev is conducting tactical training exercises such as convoy escort, shooting, jump training, counter IED operations, and others.

Air, land and naval forces from Azerbaijan, Algeria, Belgium, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Macedonia, Moldova, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States are participating in Sea Breeze, the largest multinational maritime exercise this year in the Black Sea, June 6-18, and is co-hosted by the Ukrainian and U.S. Navies.

Exercise Sea Breeze 2011 aims to improve maritime safety, security and stability actions in the Black Sea by enhancing the capabilities of Partnership for Peace and Black Sea regional maritime security forces.

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