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Air Quality and Climate Change Highlights

August-September 2015

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Announcements and Recent Events

Proposed Appendix W Rulemaking: Replacement of CALINE3

On July 14, 2015, the U.S. EPA signed a proposal to revise the Guideline on Air Quality Models. The Guideline provides EPA-recommended models and other techniques, as well as guidance for their use, for predicting ambient concentrations of air pollutants. The U.S. EPA is proposing to replace CALINE3 with AERMOD as the preferred model for determining near-field impacts for primary emissions from mobile sources, including PM2.5, PM10, and CO hot-spot analyses. Additionally, the proposal is supposed to enhance the formulation and application of the agency's AERMOD dispersion model and prescribe modeling techniques for secondarily formed fine particle and ozone pollution for single sources, as well as makes various editorial improvements. The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on July 29, 2015 (80 FR 45340). Supporting documentation, including a Technical Support Document addressing the application of AERMOD for mobile sources and proposed model code, are available through the Docket (ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0310 at and the 11th Conference on Air Quality Models website. For more information, including a copy of the proposal, a fact sheet, and EPA contact information, see The comment period closes on October 27, 2015.

Transportation Secretary Foxx Comments on Administration Climate Change Resilience Efforts

U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx stressed the importance of climate resilience at the U.S. DOT workshop on "Climate Risk Management: Tools & Approaches for America's Transportation System" in Washington, D.C., on August 11, 2015. The Secretary highlighted the Department's introduction of new tools and resources to help states, transit agencies, and local communities better prepare, plan, develop, and manage their transportation assets for greater resilience in the face of climate change. He also noted efforts by the Obama Administration to reduce the carbon footprint of our transportation system, specifically new fuel efficiency standards for medium and heavy-duty vehicles for model years 2014-2018 and the recently proposed second round of those standards, support for increased investment in transit and intercity passenger rail, and the launch of a national program to make environmentally friendly transportation choices like biking and walking safer and more accessible.

The Secretary focused on efforts to invest in resiliency projects across the country and develop tools and approaches that can be implemented nationwide. The Administration has awarded $3.59 billion in grants to 40 transit resiliency projects, and the FTA and the FHWA have completed demonstration projects to identify vulnerabilities in roads and transit systems and to analyze adaptation options. In the past year, the FHWA has released the "Gulf Coast Phase 2" study of the Mobile, Alabama region. This study helped develop risk management tools that can help states, transit agencies, and communities across the country incorporate resiliency into the strategies they have for planning, designing, and managing assets. The Secretary's remarks are available on You Tube at and at

FHWA Posted MOVES for NEPA MSAT Quantitative Analysis Frequently Asked Questions

This FHWA technical assistance document provides information on how FHWA recommends project sponsors can use MOVES for NEPA MSAT quantitative analysis including: a) defining the scope of MOVES work; b) gathering input data; and c) post-processing results. These are insights based on our experience in conducting quantitative MSAT analysis. The interim guidance should continue to be referenced for questions about the type of MSAT analysis needed. The FAQs are available at For more information contact Victoria Martinez at or (787) 771-2524.

The 2008 Ozone NAAQS Proposed Rule Making for Marginal Areas

On August 27, 2015, the U.S. EPA proposed three separate determinations related to the 36 areas that are currently classified as ''Marginal'' for the 2008 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards NAAQS). The first proposed to determine that 17 areas attained the 2008 ozone NAAQS by the applicable attainment date of July 20, 2015. The second proposed to grant 1-year attainment date extensions for eight areas on the basis that the requirements for such extensions under the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) have been met. Third, the EPA is proposing to determine that 11 areas failed to attain the 2008 ozone NAAQS by the applicable attainment date of July 20, 2015, and that they are not eligible for an extension, and to reclassify these areas as ''Moderate'' for the 2008 ozone NAAQS. Once reclassified as Moderate, states must submit State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions that meet the statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to 2008 ozone NAAQS nonattainment areas classified as Moderate.  Comments must be received on or before September 28, 2015. Note that in areas that receive an extension or are bumped up, their "attainment year" for the purposes of meeting the budget test (40 CFR 93.118(d)(2)) under the conformity regulation would change for conformity determinations made after the effective date for the final attainment date extension or reclassification. The proposed rule is available at 

Climate Change Resiliency Conference

The First International Conference on Surface Transportation System Resilience to Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events will be held on September 16-18, 2015, at The National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington, DC and will be broadcast via live webcast. Organized by the Transportation Research Board (TRB), the conference will provide transportation professionals with information on emerging best practices and state-of-the-art-research results on how to adapt surface transportation networks to the potential impacts of climate change and extreme weather events. The conference will examine cost-effective and resilient decision making by State DOTs, MPOs, transit, and other transportation agencies in planning and programming, capital improvements, and maintenance and operations. For more information about the conference and to register (for in-person attendance or webcast participation), please visit:

EPA Public Hearings on New Medium and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles Standards

The U.S. EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) held two public hearings in August 2015 in Chicago, Illinois, and Long Beach, California, for the joint proposed rules ''Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles - Phase 2,'' and also for NHTSA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The proposed rules were published in the Federal Register on July 13, 2015. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement was published on June 19, 2015, and is available on the NHTSA website. Note that the comment period for the proposed rule has been extended such that the closing date is 30 days after this public hearing. Therefore, written comments on the proposal must be postmarked no later than September 17, 2015. Learn more about the jointly proposed rules by visiting NHTSA's or EPA's websites at or

Southern Transportation and Air Quality Summit 2015

The Southern Transportation and Air Quality Summit 2015 (sponsored by the FHWA, U.S. EPA Regions 4 and 6, and the Atlanta Regional Commission) was held August 12-13, 2015, in Atlanta, Georgia. The summit brought together 118 stakeholders from both the transportation and air quality communities to discuss regulatory issues, climate change, sustainability, pollutant assessment, CMAQ, MOVES, and the travel demand forecasting model. Presentations and other materials from the summit can be found at: For more information, please contact Mike Roberts at

Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Corridor Development Workshop: Lessons Learned from the West Coast Experience

Under a pooled-fund initiative led by the Oregon DOT, a workshop was held in Portland, Oregon, on July 28, 2015, to assist state and local transportation agencies interested in promoting the use of alternative vehicle and fuel technologies at a state, regional, or corridor scale with the needed tools, information, and knowledge to do so. The workshop was developed in coordination with the FHWA and the Department of Energy's Clean Cities Program. Participants included Clean Cities coordinators; state energy, environmental, and transportation officials; and industry and national laboratory representatives. The workshop provided an overview of the latest research and data collection efforts related to current deployment of charging infrastructure along EV corridors, such as the West Coast Electric Highway, and lessons learned to develop potential new corridors in the Northeast and other regions.

2015 Transportation Planning Excellence Award Winners

The Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments in Colorado Springs, Colorado, has been selected as the Best of the Best award recipient in the 2015 Transportation Planning Excellence Awards Program (TEPA) for its "Moving Forward Update 2035 Regional Transportation Plan." The plan used innovative techniques in the making of a collaborative, balanced, and financially feasible transportation plan for the area that contains performance-based transportation goals including estimating air pollution emissions. TEPA is a biennial awards program developed by the FHWA and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and co-sponsored by the American Planning Association. Selected by an independent panel, the program provides a unique opportunity to recognize and celebrate the outstanding transportation planning practices performed by planners and decision makers in communities across the country. Criteria for selection include: community, public involvement, and partnerships; context sensitive solutions; innovation and effectiveness; equity; implementation, and strategy; multi-modalism; and potential for long-term benefits. For more information on all of the award winners, please visit:


It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air Website

The FHWA currently is in the process of updating the It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air website ( and refreshing it with new materials. The agency would like to hear about successful programs and exemplary materials to include on the website. It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air is a public education and partnership-building initiative developed by several federal agencies for the purpose of informing the public about the impact of their transportation choices on traffic congestion and air quality. Organizations that use It All Adds Up enjoy access to free customizable materials, including advertisements, billboards, and television public service announcements. Tutorials in the Education Center assist with planning, implementing, and evaluating an air quality campaign. Please contact Victoria Martinez at or (787) 771-2524 for more information.


EPA Revises Initial Area Designations for PM2.5 NAAQS

On March 31, 2015, the U.S. EPA issued additional or revised initial area designations for several areas and a technical amendment to correct an inadvertent error in the initial area designation for one area for the 2012 annual National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The designations were effective on April 15, 2015. In areas that are designated nonattainment under the 2012 PM2.5 standard, transportation conformity requirements will apply for the standard one year after the designation effective date for metropolitan transportation plans, TIPs, and projects. For more information, please visit:

FHWA Electric Vehicle Deployment and Infrastructure Study

The final report on Feasibility and Implications of Electric Vehicle (EV) Deployment and Infrastructure Development (FHWA-HEP-15-021) summarizes the information gathered during the various foundational research activities of the project, describes the development of eight long-term market penetration scenarios, presents the methodology used to undertake the scenario analysis, summarizes the findings of the analysis, and presents conclusions covering a range of possible "pathways" for the FHWA and partner action, including possible additional research for consideration. The report can be accessed at:

Training Opportunities

MOVES2014 Hands-on Training Session

The U.S. EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality has scheduled the MOVES2014 Hands-on Training in Atlanta, Georgia, on September 22-23, 2015. This will be EPA's full 2-day hands-on training course for new users of MOVES. Details and registration for this course can be found at: For more information, please contact the MOVES Team at

National Transit Institute Offers Two Upcoming Courses

The National Transit Institute (NTI) has scheduled two upcoming training courses related to air quality, sustainability, and environmental issues. The first course is The Introduction to Transportation Conformity course which presents basic information about conformity requirements and the relationship of the transportation and air quality planning processes in order to prepare agency staff (federal, state and local) to participate in interagency consultation and work effectively in resolving conformity issues. The course is in St. Louis, Missouri, on September 9-11, 2015.

The second course is on Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and is scheduled for September 30-October 1, 2015, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The goal of this course is to help transportation and land use professionals effectively participate in the planning, funding, and implementation of transit-oriented projects that improve the environment, create a sense of community, and boost transit ridership. This course is an intermediate course. Although not required, participants should have a working knowledge of basic transportation, land use planning, transit planning, and operational concepts. For course information and registration, please visit

National Highway Institute Offers Upcoming NEPA Course

The National Highway institute (NHI) has scheduled a comprehensive, three-day, instructor-led course on NEPA and the Transportation Decision-making Process for December 8-10, 2015, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The course will present the historical background and evolution of NEPA and related environmental laws. It discusses their influence on FHWA's policies and procedures for the transportation project development and decision-making process. The course examines how the framework of laws, regulations, policies, and guidance integrate social, environmental, and economic factors in making transportation project decisions that are in the best overall public interest. The target audience for this course includes FHWA, State departments of transportation (including consultants acting on behalf of the State), Federal and State environmental resource agencies, local governments, and metropolitan planning organizations who participate in the transportation decision-making process. For course and registration information, please visit

EPA Posts MOVES2014 Training Course Material

In June 2015, the U.S. EPA posted updated training materials for the MOVES2014 two-day hands-on training course at These training materials are updated versions of the ones used at the April 2015 MOVES2014 courses in Austin, Texas, and Rocky Hill, Connecticut. On the same webpage, the U.S. EPA has posted an abbreviated version of the MOVES2014 course materials used in the one-day training course offered at the 2015 International Emission Inventory Conference in San Diego, California. MOVES users who did not attend any of these training sessions can use the "MOVES2014 Training Materials" as a self-taught course.

MySQL Training for MOVES Model Users

Two training opportunities are available for MOVES model users. A three-hour webinar provides an introduction to MySQL Query Browser and MOVES interface. A six-hour training over two days will enable users to do MySQL programming and to write his/her own MySQL scripts and to manipulate MySQL databases including MOVES input and outputs. For more information or to schedule training, please contact John Byun at or Paul Heishman at

Web-based Training Courses Available

A variety of web-based training opportunities are accessible via the FHWA Conformity Website, at Training includes Air Quality Planning, Transportation Conformity, and others. Please contact Karen Perritt at or (202) 366-9066 with any questions or comments.

FHWA Resource Center Training Activities

FHWA's Resource Center Air Quality Technical Services Team is available to offer MOVES training, and information is available at the Resource Center website.


FHWA Headquarters Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Team

FHWA Headquarters Sustainable Transport and Climate Change Team

FHWA Resource Center Air Quality Team

Past issues of the Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Highlights are available on FHWA's website: Past issues of the Transportation and Climate Change Newsletter are available on FHWA's website:

Please e-mail with any suggestions for future issues.

Updated: 9/29/2015
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