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Joint DOT/FHWEA Major Project Webinar (October 2014) - Transcript

October 28, 2014

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FHWA Center for Innovative Finance Support Project Delivery Team


  1. Major Project Spotlight
  2. Major Project Information
  3. Comments/Questions

Major Project Spotlight: DOT/FHWA Peer Exchange

Peer Exchange Featuring:
Addressing Environmental Concerns on Major Projects - NH DOT
WSDOT's Cost and Schedule Risk Assessment - WA DOT

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goals for Major Projects - NYSTA

Addressing Environmental Concerns on Major Projects

Pete Stamnas
Ron Crickard

New Hampshire DOT


Project area mapScope of Work

  • Widen 20 miles of Interstate 93 from state line to I-293 split in Manchester
  • Reconstruct/Modernize Exits 1-5
  • Work on 45 bridges (23 new)
  • 19 on "red list"
  • Construct 3 new park & ride lots at Exits 2, 3, & 5 and expand bus service
  • Construct 5 miles of sound walls at 12 locations along the corridor

Project Cost Estimate

  • Total Estimated Cost - $750M
    • Construction - $563M
    • Engineering - $86 M
    • ROW - $73M
    • Mitigation - $28M

Project Milestones

  • November 2002 - Public Hearings
  • April 2004 - FEIS Published
  • June 2005 - Record of Decision
  • June 2005 -Final Design NTP
  • June 2006 - State Permits
  • March 2007 - ACOE Permit
  • June 2007 - Construction Begins
  • August 2007 - CLF Court Decision
  • May 2010 - FSEIS Published
  • Sep. 2010 - SROD Issued


  • 76 Acres wetland impacts
  • 1000 Acres conservation lands
    • 985 acres of preservation
    • 15 acres creation
    • $22 M to acquire/create
  • $3.0 M - Drinking Water protection
  • $3.5 M - Growth planning

Environmental Concerns

Secondary growth

Alternative Modes

  • Bus vs. Train

Water Quality

  • Wetland impacts
  • Chloride impaired streams
    • Incremental implementation of selected alternative
  • Permanent stormwater management
    • No net increase TSS,TN, TP
  • Construction stormwater management??????

map of construction areaConstruction: Exits 2 & 3

  • 5 construction projects - $160 million
  • Reconstruct 5 miles mainline & 2 Exits
    • 2.2 M cy embankment
    • 1.5 M cy rock excavation
    • 1.6 M cy common excavation
  • Construction began 2008
  • 2 projects complete - $55 M
  • 3 projects active - $105 M
    • 60% complete
  • 2016 completion

Proposed Condition

  • Exit 3 - Overview
    • Route 111 to be relocated
    • Route 111a to be relocated
    • Northbound lands to be shifted to the west

Exit 3 overview map

View larger version of Exit 3 Overview map

stormwater along side of roadwayPermanent Stormwater BMP's
Exit 3

  • Constructing 26 treatment structures
  • Collecting runoff from over 85% of all paved surfaces
  • Installing shutoffs for hazardous spill containment
  • Net reduction in nutrients in runoff TSS, TP, TN

Permanent Stormwater BMP's

Expected Nutrient Reductions for Exit 3 Area
  • TSS reduced by 23,500 lbs/year
  • Total phosphorous reduced by 45 lbs/year
  • Total nitrogen reduced by 310 lbs/year

Sensitive Water Bodies

  • Cobbets Pond (Class B)
    • Impairments
      • Chlorophyll-a
      • Cyanobacteria hepatotoxic microcystins
      • Dissolved oxygen saturation
      • Phosphorus (Total)
  • Canobie lake (Class A)
    • Public drinking water supply

NH Water Quality Standards

  • Class B waters:
    • 10 Nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) above naturally occurring.
  • Class A waters:
    • 0 NTU above naturally occurring.

water samples

Major Storm Events = Change

Ice storm covering trees in forest

2008 - "An ice storm on December 12 knocked out power to 1.4 million people in upstate New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. President George W. Bush declared a state of emergency in New Hampshire."

Major Storm Events = Change

  • Ice storm event led to:
    • Increased oversight from regulatory agencies.
    • Better communication with lake associations.
    • DOT New approach
DOT Workers

Temporary Erosion Control & Stormwater Management (New)

  • "Erosion control is a top priority"
  • DOT completes extensive engineering prior to construction for TEC & stormwater management efforts (Stormwater Analysis)
  • Contractor better prepared to develop and implement SWPPPs more detailed
  • Stakeholders are invited and participate in weekly Erosion Control meetings
  • Focus on sediment control new EC tools/strategies
  • EC costs begin to rise
  • I-93 Sediment Control Strategies
    • Water diversion
    • Stabilization
    • Sediment capture
    • Stormwater detention
    • Stormwater discharge

March 2010 events

From the National Weather Service:

"The third of three significant successive nor'easters to affect the northeastern United States struck on 29-30, March 2010. The combined effects of these storms, the first occurring on 13-14 March, another on 22-24 March 2010, produced many new monthly rainfall records in southern New England. The monthly total at Logan was 377.7 mm (14.87 inches) making March 2010 the wettest March on record."

Heavy equipment fighting the flooding

Quotes After the Storm

  • "Crews were here all weekend trying to deal with it," Levine said. "We ran out of places to store the water." (Jay Levine, NHDOT)
  • "I think they could do better without spending significantly more," Schroeder said. "They either need more storage capacity or the ability to move water around better." Bill Schroeder (Canobie Lake)
Led to New Tools for Sediment Control on I-93
  • Polyacrylamide (PAM) as a soil stabilizer
  • Stormwater treatment with flocculants
  • Mixing Zones

Polyacrylamide as Soil Stabilizer


  • Reduces soil loss 94%
  • Improves Soil Structure
  • Increases Microorganisms
  • Increases infiltration 15%
  • Effective Stormwater BMP
  • Reduces Sediment and Nutrients in Runoff

Environmental Aspects

  • Non toxic in soil &water
  • >10 fold conc. safety factor
  • Little Effect on pH
  • No PAM accumulation

In-Ground Flocculant Treatment System

In-ground flocculant treatment system photo

In-Ground Flocculant Clarifier

In-ground flocculant clarifier

Flocculant Dosing Tank System

flocculant dosing tank system

Flocculant Dosing Tank System (Blocks)

Flocculant dosing tank system (blocks)

Current Flocculant treatment method

Current flocculant treatment method

Current Flocculant treatment method

current flocculant treatment method photo

The Jar Test

two jars holding dirty water

Costs $$$$

Completed contracts:
  Erosion control $$$
Percent of Contract
Windham 13933K 1.6% 8.2%
Windham 13933G 6.1% 11.6%
Windham 13933F 5.4% 15.0%
Salem 13933D 10.0% 7.4%
On going contracts:
  Percent of Contract To Date
Windham 13933I 11.3% 5.4%
Salem 13933E 10.4% 4.9%
Windham 13933H 10.9% 0.0%

I-93 Temporary Erosion Control & Stormwater Management Lessons Learned

  1. Completing a construction stormwater assessment during design of large projects pays dividends
    • Identifies potential risks early
    • Allows items to be included in the contract to minimize/mitigate risk potential and costs
    • Contractors are more prepared
    • Reduces time to prepare SWPPP - work can start sooner
  2. Water diversion is critical keep clean water out of the active construction zone
  3. Construct temporary sedimentation basins as early as possible (NHDOT acquiring temp easements)
  4. The construction site is constantly changing
    • Strategies that work one month may not work as well the following month
    • Be vigilant
  5. Anionic polyacrylamides (PAMs) are effective in reducing turbidity in construction runoff
    • Flocculant treatment systems
    • Soil binders/stabilizers with PAM applied to open areas to minimize erosion potential
    • Having a full EC tool box is critical to maintaining water quality
  6. Anionic polyacrylamides (PAMs) are safe for the environment when used properly
    • Reduces soil loss
    • Reduces phosphorous levels in treated stormwater
    • Negligible effect on pH of the water
    • Lowers biochemical oxygen demand in runoff

Contact Information

Pete Stamnas
I-93 Project Manager
New Hampshire DOT

Ron Crickard
Chief, Project Management Section

New Hampshire DOT

Questions & Input

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Major Project Spotlight: WSDOT's Cost and Schedule Risk Assessment

Ovidiu Cretu
Washington State DOT

WSDOT's Cost and Schedule Risk Assessment

  • WSDOT Project Management (PM)
  • Short history of the WSDOT process of Risk Assessment (RA)
  • RA process overview
    • Definition
    • Scalability
    • Resources required
    • Benefits
  • Lessons learned
    • Develop in-house expertise
      • Resources
      • Tools
    • Risk reserve
    • Risk Treatment Planning
  • Innovations at WSDOT Risk Assessment
    • Combine Value Engineering with Risk Assessment (VERA)
    • Number of risks
    • Market conditions
    • Risk's conditionality
      • Dependency
      • Correlation
    • Risk's severity

WSDOT Project Management

WSDOT project management flow chart

View larger version of flow chart

Risk Management Cycle

risk management cycle chart

View larger version of risk management cycle chart

Twelve Years of Risk Assessment

"CEVP® (risk-based analysis) was developed to address risk and uncertainty - very useful results"

"...transportation department efforts to plan more accurately and manage money more effectively ... So give DOT some"

"Giving citizens a range of costs, including full disclosure of the variables, is not only politically smart, but it's common sense" - Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 2002

Methods of delivery of project risk assessment:
  • Started with Cost Estimating Validation Process (CEVP) in 2002
    • Projects above $100 million
    • Requires External Subject Matter Experts
  • Added the Cost Risk Assessment (CRA) in 2003
    • Projects between $25 and $100 million
    • May be done with only WSDOT participants
  • Combined Value Engineering and Risk Assessment (VERA) in 2005
    • Projects over $25 million and bridges over $20 million
    • Any other Projects that may benefit from VERA
    • Requires External Subject Matter Experts

Bar chart showing number of workshops over 12 years

View larger version of the chart

"The time is always right to do the right thing." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Risk Assessment - Process overview

  • Definition - is a systematic cost and schedule review that incorporates the effect of uncertainties upon project's objectives.

    The risk assessment must provide actionable data that may optimize the project objectives.
  • Scalability - the level of effort varies depending on project's magnitude and complexity
  • Resource required - is represented by a wide range (minimal when the workshop is produced in-house and tens of thousands of dollars when consultants are involved)
  • Benefits:
    • Better understanding of project's objectives
    • Minimizes surprised
    • Provides data for optimizing the project's objectives

Risk Assessment - Lessons learned

  • Develop in-house expertise
    • Human resource - dedicated team that should have a passion toward understanding and enhancing the process of risk management
    • Tools develop tools that are applicable towards department needs.
      • Simulation model,
      • Communication tools
    • Collaborate with consultants

Lessons learned - Risk Reserve

Risk Reserve = Legslative Budget - Operational Budget

Risk reserve graph

View larger version of the risk reserve graph

Risk Management Cycle

Risk management cycle chart

View larger version of the risk management cycle graphic

Risk Assessment - Lessons learned

  • Risk Treatment Planning
    • It allows the project team to digest the information obtain from the risk workshop and to decide on risk treatment strategies.
    • It provides better raw data (cost, schedule and risks) for risk analysis.
    • The cost risk profile is more accurate
    • It initiates the implementation of risk treatment strategies.

Risk Assessment - Innovations

  • Combined Value Engineering with Risk Assessment (VERA) - represents the most efficient process of risk assessment. It was used for projects ranging from less than

flow chart showing the many steps involved with value engineering with risk assessment

View larger version of the Value Engineering with Risk Assessment chart

Risk Assessment - Innovations

  • Number of risks - we recommend the assessment of only significant risks. When a significant risk occurs it will require supplemental intervention.
  • Market Conditions - we found the MC may be the most important driver of the construction cost. MC is driven by the expected number of bidders on the project.

Comparison of the Low Bid vs. the Estimate
Based on Number of Bidders

graph - Comparison of the Low Bid vs. the Estimate 
Based on Number of Bidders

View larger version of the comparison graph

Risk Assessment - Innovations

  • Risk's conditionality
    • Dependency - every risk must be evaluated in relationship with other risks.
    • Correlation - must be justified and documented. Correlation is a powerful way of increasing the cost distribution range and sometimes is abused.
  • Project risks map comprehensive visual representation of the project risks

Traditional Tornado Diagram

Candidates for Cost Risk Management (pre-mitigated)

chart - Candidates for Cost Risk Management (pre-mitigated)

View larger version of the chart

Risks Map

Risks map graph

View larger version of the risks map graph

WSDOT's Risk Assessment Conclusions

  • WSDOT has over 12 years experience in the field of project risk assessment
  • WSDOT uses a scalable approach of risk management
  • WSDOT has developed the VERA process
  • WSDOT has improved the risk assessment process based on its research and lessons learned.

Contact Information

Ovidiu Cretu
Cost Estimating & Risk Analysis Supervisor

Washington State DOT

Questions & Input

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Major Project Spotlight: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goals for Major Projects

Tracey Mitchell
New York State Thruway Authority

Christine Thorkildsen
FHWA - New York Division


  • Project Background
  • Project Overview
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal Development
  • New York State Thruway Authority (Thruway) DBE Compliance Program
  • Collaboration of Stakeholders
  • DBE Program Management Tools
  • Q & A

New NY Bridge Background

Project of National Significance... DBE Goal Set at $314M

  • Replaces Existing Tappan Zee Bridge
  • Presidential Initiative Project
  • Largest Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Loan Closed in US DOT History
  • Largest Active Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Design Build (DB) Project in the Country
  • Largest Ever DB Project in the State of New York
  • Largest Ever Dollar Value DBE Goal for FHWA Project

Photo - New NY Bridge

Thruway Partners & Compliance Team

  • The New NY Bridge
  • U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
  • Office of Governor Andrew Cuomo
  • New York Thruway
  • US Dept. Of Labor
  • NYS Department of Labor
  • EnTech Engineering, P.C.
  • DACK
  • NYS Inspector General
  • US Inspector General

Logos of the Thruway partners

TZC Team Including Compliance Consultants

  • Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC
  • Fluor
  • Granite
  • American Bridge
  • Traylor Bros, Inc
  • HDR
  • Buckland & Taylor Ltd, Bridge Engineering
  • URS
  • GZA
  • JHC
  • ARG - Armand Resource Group, inc.
  • McKissack

Logos of the compliance consultants

Construction schedule: 5 Years, 2.5 Months

Bridge Completion: July 2018

Contract Cost: $3.14 Billion

FHWA Initial Involvement

Presidential Initiative
  • Designated by President Obama
  • High priority, job-creating project
  • Expedited review/approval process
"Federalizing" the Project
  • $1.6B TIFIA loan!
Setting the DBE Goal
  • Team: Thruway, NYSDOT & FHWA
  • Design Build delivery, complex project
  • Limited subcontracting opportunities
  • Considered all DBE firms nationwide

FHWA Risk Assessment for the New NY Bridge DBE Program

FHWA's Approach to Position the New NY Bridge Project's DBE Program for Success.

  • Define Risks
Risk Statement
  • If project not properly administered
  • If a proactive Plan is administered
Response Activites
  • Appropriate goal, reviews, OIG involvement
  • Summit, on-going forums, track success

Risk Ahead

FHWA DBE Program Risk Assessment Heat Diagram

  • Example of Risk Assessment Approach Using "Heat Diagram"
  • DBE Program Was Among the Key Factors Reviewed by FHWA
  • Assessment influenced DBE global development

Sample heat diagrams

View a larger version of the heat diagrams

Mitigating Risk Through Collaboration

  • Good Faith Efforts
  • Commercially Useful Function


    Determining Risk to Each Partner

    Monitoring Plans

    Finding Opportunities to Collaborate

Thruway Management Approach Compliance Programs

  1. DBE
  2. Labor Compliance
  3. Project Labor Agreement (PLA)
  4. EEO/AA
    Thruway DBE Compliance
    • The DBE Plan
    • Commercially Useful Function
    • Prompt Payment
    • Good Faith Efforts
    • Processing and Resolving Complaints
    • Commitment and Attainment of the Goal

TCZ DBE Report coverEnvironment to Collaborate

  • Additional management tools needed
  • Stakeholders agree to collaborate
    • Thruway
    • FHWA
    • TZC

Results as follows...


  • TZC's Roadmap to meet DBE Goal
  • Provides Specificity
  • Defines On-Going Good Faith Efforts

TZC DBE Goal Management Plan

  • Segments New NY Bridge Project into 17 "smaller" projects, aka DBE Plan Work Areas
    The following items are tracked for each DBE Plan Work Area
  • Overall Budget
    • DBE Goal
    • DBE Current Commitment
    • DBE Pending Commitment
    • DBE Commitments Remaining
    • DBE Attainments
    • #Firms Contracted

Sample TZC DBE Goal Management Plan table data

View larger TZC DBE Goal Management Plan table

Monthly Business Orientation Meeting

Business meeting photo

  • On-going opportunity to meet with TZC team
  • Saves time for businesses seeking opportunity
  • Each meeting focused on specialty

Monthly E-Blast

  • Project update emailed monthly
  • Updates DBE Participation
  • Lists recently awarded contracts
  • 90 day procurement look ahead
  • Links to project website
  • Links to TZC questionnaire

construction worker

By the Numbers:

Through July 31, 2014

177 trade contractors and professional service firms have performed on the New NY Bridge project site.

81 of the 177 firms are DBEs.

$85.8m is the total dollar value commitment to these DBE firms.

TZC Vendor Database

National Perspective

  • 10,000 Firms
  • 6,000 DBEs
  • Includes every DBE from NY, CT, MA, MD, NJ & PA

Map of DBEs in the United States

View a larger version of the United States map showing DBEs

Management Tools: Work Breakdown Structure

  • Visual aid showing contractual relationships and key information for each TZC team member

Sample Work Breakdown Structure

  • Close up on calculation for project supplier with $161,419 contract for purchase and install of furniture.
  • Removed $57,967 for use of non-DBE sub...self perform work is now
  • Applied 60% credit to self perform work as it covered furniture purchase only.
  • DBE credit is $62,071

Supplier row highlighted in a WBS table

Management Tools: DBE Participation Schedule

TZC DBE Participation Schedule

View larger version of the chart

Chart - DBE Forecasted Commitments (May 2014)

View larger version of the DBE Forecasted Commitments chart

Contact Information

Tracey Mitchell
Diversity Compliance Manager
New York State Thruway Authority

Christine Thorkildsen
Civil Rights Program Manager

FHWA - New York Division

Questions & Input

Submit a question using the chat box

Major Project Announcements

Project Delivery Team
Center for Innovative Finance Support

Financial Plan Updates

  • Financial Plan Guidance
    • Comment period in Federal Register closed on October 7, 2013
      • Received 10 comments AASHTO, AK, AR, CO, Ernst and Young, NV, PE in CA Govt., CO, WA, WI
      • Most comments were related to OINCC, phasing plans, P3 assessments, timing of submission, financing costs
    • Financial Plan Guidance is currently being finalized
    • Webinars will be scheduled to introduce guidance

P3 Training Course Availability

  • The Center for Innovative Finance Support has developed a series of training sessions for interested state, regional, and local government officials
  • Purpose: provide information and tools to government officials seeking to understand how to develop and evaluate potential P3 proposals
  • Structure: FHWA-sponsored instructor presents in-person training tailored to address needs of requesting agency
  • Type of Training: mix of presentations, class discussions, and hands-on computer training using P3-VALUE tools
  • Length: as short as one-half to as long as 4 days
  • Course Options: select among the following modules, depending upon your agency's needs
    • P3 Evaluation Overview (1/2 day)
    • Risk Assessment and Valuation (1 day)
    • Value for Money Analysis (1 day)
    • Financial Viability Analysis (1/2 day)
    • P3 Evaluation Case-Study using P3-VALUE (1 day)
  • Capacity: maximum class size of 40 students; no minimum
  • Cost: Free; sponsoring agency needs to provide classroom and computers
  • For more information: visit or, or contact Patrick DeCorla-Souza at 202-366-4076 or

Comments & Input

Submit a question using the chat box Or Dial *1 to ask your question by phone

Upcoming Webinars

Joint DOT/FHWA Major Project Webinar
Tuesday, May 5th 1:30 to 3:30pm EDT
Quarterly Major Project Webinar (FHWA)
Tuesday, February 3rd 1:30 to 3:30pm EST

Contact LaToya at or 202-366-0479 if you have topic ideas for upcoming webinars

Contact Information

Jim Sinnette
Project Delivery Team Leader

Center for Innovative Finance Support
Federal Highway Administration
(202) 366-1561

Dana Williams
Outreach and Communications Specialist

Center for Innovative Finance Support
Federal Highway Administration
(202) 366-1616

Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
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