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Illinois – State Statistical Abstracts 2008 – FHWA

Highway Statistics Series

State Statistical Abstracts 2008


For more information, see the Highway Statistics series.

Population / Land Area % Dist. % Nat'l.
Total Population - (DL-1C) 12,901,563   4.2%
Total Land Area (PS-1) 55,584   1.6%
Motor Fuel Usage (000) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Gasoline/Gasohol (MF-33GA) 4,896,340 76.8% 3.6%
Special Fuel (MF-33SF) 1,476,699 23.2% 3.8%
Total Fuel 6,373,039 100.0%  
Off Highway Gasoline (MF-21) 107,449 2.2% 2.8%
On Highway Gasoline (MF-21) 4,836,836 97.8% 3.7%
Public Road Length (Table HM-10) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Rural 98,202 70.4% 3.3%
Urban 41,290 29.6% 3.9%
Total 139,492 100.0% 3.5%
Public Road Length by Functional System (HM-20) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Interstate 2,182 1.6% 4.7%
Other Principal Arterial 5,459 3.9% 3.4%
Minor Arterial 9,134 6.5% 3.8%
Collectors 21,719 15.6% 2.7%
Local 100,898 72.3% 3.6%
Other Freeways/ Expressways 100 0.1% 0.9%
Total 139,492 100.0% 3.5%
Public Road Length (Miles) by Ownership (HM-10) % Dist. % Nat'l.
State Highway Agencies 16,040 11.5% 2.1%
County 16,367 11.7% 0.9%
Town/Townships 106,130 76.1% 8.2%
Other Jurisdictions 707 0.5% 1.2%
Federal 247 0.2% 0.2%
Total 139,491 100.0% 3.5%
Functional System Lane Length (HM-60) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Interstate 9,693 3.3% 4.5%
Other Principal Arterial 15,515 5.3% 3.2%
Minor Arterial 21,258 7.3% 3.8%
Collectors 44,109 15.1% 2.7%
Local 201,795 68.9% 3.6%
Other Freeways/ Expressways 419 0.1% 0.8%
Total 292,789 100.0% 3.5%
Vehicle Miles Traveled - (Millions) - (VM-2) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Rural 27,306 25.7% 2.8%
Urban 78,773 74.3% 4.0%
Total 106,079 100.0% 3.6%
Vehicle Miles Traveled by Functional System (In Millions) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Interstate 31,409 29.6% 4.4%
Other Principal Arterial 25,179 23.7% 3.7%
Minor Arterial 20,318 19.2% 3.8%
Collectors 14,271 13.5% 3.4%
Local 13,755 13.0% 3.4%
Other Freeways/ Expressways 1147 1.1% 0.5%
Total 106,079 100.0% 3.6%
Driver Licenses (DL-1C) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Male 4,077,278 49.36% 3.93%
Female 4,183,662 50.64% 4.00%
Total 8,260,940 100.00% 3.97%
Motor Fuel Tax Rates (MF-121T) (Cents)
Gasoline 19
Diesel 21.5
Gasohol 19
Vehicle Registrations (MV-1) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Autos 5,779,977 57.08% 4.22%
Trucks/Picks/SUVs 3,994,678 39.45% 3.62%
Buses 19,166 0.19% 2.27%
Total 9,793,821    
Motorcycles 332,031 3.28% 4.31%
Grand Total 10,125,852 100.00% 3.96%
Fatally Injured in Vehicle Crashes (FI-20) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Rural 431 41.32% 2.07%
Urban 608 58.29% 3.81%
Unknown 4 0.38% 0.80%
Total 1043 100% 2.80%

Highway Finance ($000)

State Funding for Highways (Summary) (SF-21) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Receipts $5,255,655   3.81%
Disbursements $5,590,456   4.20%
Revenues used for Highways (All Units Government -2007) (HF-1) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Highway User Taxes $1,644,006 19.97% 3.89%
Tolls $3,476,715 42.24% 5.59%
General Fund $503,674 6.12% 1.59%
Property Taxes $833,330 10.12% 9.70%
Other Imposts $444,086 5.40% 3.33%
Misc. Receipts $300,918 3.66% 1.90%
Bonds $1,028,254 12.49% 4.01%
Total $8,230,983 100.00% 4.09%
Disbursements for Highways (All Units Government-2007) (HF-2) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Capital Outlay $3,517,012 49.32% 3.88%
Maintenance and Services $1,693,630 23.75% 3.80%
Administration and Misc. $541,408 7.59% 4.13%
Highway Law Enforcement & Safety $726,455 10.19% 4.93%
Interest $361,587 5.07% 4.35%
Bond Retirement $290,333 4.07% 3.64%
Total $7,130,425 100.00% 3.93%
Attributed Federal Trust Fund Receipts - 2008 ($000) (FE-9) % Dist. % Nat'l.
Highway Account $1,171,228 86.19% 3.74%
Mass Transit Account $187,676 13.81% 3.72%
Total $1,358,904 100.00% 3.73%

Office of Highway Policy Information
Federal Highway Administration

Page last modified on November 7, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000