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Highway Statistics Series

State Statistical Abstracts 2014


For more information, see the Highway Statistics series.

Population / Land Area % of National
Total Population (DL-1C - Resident Pop) 2,942,902 0.9%
Total Land Area Square Miles (PS-1) 82,170 2.3%
Motor Fuel Usage (000) Distribution % of National
Gasoline/Gasohol (Table MF-33GA) 1,125,261 71.2% 0.8%
Special Fuel (Table MF-33SF) 455,006 28.8% 1.1%
Total Fuel 1,580,267 100.0%
On Highway Gasoline (MF-21 in 000s) 1,114,217 97.8% 0.8%
Off Highway Gasoline (MF-21 in 000s) 25,102 2.2% 0.7%
Public Road Length (Table HM-20) Distribution % of National
Rural 34,793 75.4% 1.2%
Urban 11,361 24.6% 0.9%
Total 46,154 100.0% 1.1%
Public Road Length (Miles) by Functional System (HM-20) Distribution % of National
Interstate 937 2.0% 2.0%
Other Freeways & Expressways 53 0.1% 0.3%
Other Principal Arterials 1,815 3.9% 1.2%
Minor Arterial 1,975 4.3% 0.8%
Major Collector 4,266 9.2% 0.8%
Minor Collector 3,687 8.0% 1.4%
Local 33,420 72.4% 1.2%
Total 46,153 27.6% 1.6%
Functional System Lane Length (HM-60) Distribution % of National
Interstate 4,383 4.5% 2.0%
Other Freeways/Expressways 201 0.2% 0.3%
Other Principal Arterials 5,272 5.4% 1.1%
Minor Arterial 4,507 4.6% 0.8%
Major Collector 8,694 8.9% 0.8%
Minor Collector 7,375 7.6% 1.4%
Local 66,841 68.7% 1.2%
Total 97,273 100.0% 1.1%
Vehicle Miles Traveled - (Millions) - (VM-2) Distribution % of National
Rural 7,323 26.6% 0.8%
Urban 20,231 73.4% 1.0%
Total 27,554 100.0% 0.9%
Distribution % of National
Interstate 9,927 36.0% 1.3%
Other Freeways/Expressways 460 1.7% 0.1%
Other Principal Arterial 6,664 24.2% 1.0%
Minor Arterial 2,963 10.8% 0.6%
Major Collector 2,384 8.7% 0.4%
Minor Collector 226 0.8% 0.4%
Local 4,930 17.9% 1.2%
Total 27,554 100.0% 0.9%
Driver Licenses (DL-22) Distribution % of National
Male 716,585 50.26% 0.68%
Female 709,118 49.74% 0.66%
Total 1,425,703 100.00% 0.67%
Motor Fuel Tax Rates (MF-121T) - ($)
Gasoline $0.25
Diesel $0.25
Gasohol $0.25

Tax Rates as of Dec 2014.

NOTE: Tax rates do not include Federal gas tax of 18.4 cents or diesel of 24.4 cents

Vehicle Registrations - (MV-1) Distribution % of National
Autos 895,718 41.65% 0.79%
Buses 4,805 0.22% 0.55%
Trucks 1,175,959 54.68% 0.86%
Total 2,076,482
Motorcycles 74,091 3.45% 0.88%
Grand Total 2,150,573 100.00% 0.83%
Fatally Injured in Vehicle Crashes (FI-20) Distribution % of National
Rural 124 48.44% 0.75%
Urban 131 51.17% 0.85%
Unknown 1 0.39% 0.14%
Total 256 100% 0.78%

Highway Finance ($000)

State Funding for Highways (Summary) - SF-21 (000) % of National
Receipts $1,656,339 1.00%
Disbursements $1,481,738 0.95%
Revenues Received by State for Highways (Table SF-1) % of National
Highway User Revenues $365,882 22.09% 0.53%
General Fund Appropriations $63,662 3.84% 0.66%
Other State Imposts $448,392 27.07% 4.34%
Miscellaneous $74,696 4.51% 0.74%
Bonds $250,831 15.14% 0.82%
Federal payments $419,373 25.32% 1.01%
Local Governments and Other $33,503 2.02% 1.06%
Total $1,656,339 100.00% 0.95%
Disbursements Used by States for Highways (Table SF-2) % of National
Capital Outlay $423,752 28.60% 0.53%
Maintenance and Services $450,672 30.42% 1.92%
Administration and Misc. $86,710 5.85% 1.03%
Highway Law Enforcment & Safety $78,436 5.29% 0.83%
Interest $111,598 7.53% 1.36%
Bond Retirement $254,655 17.19% 1.31%
Grants-in-aid to Locals $75,915 5.12% 0.50%
Total $1,481,738 100.00% 0.90%
Attributed Federal Trust Fund Receipts - FY15 ($000) (Table FE-9) % of National
Highway Account $339,826 86.46% 0.95%
Mass Transit Account $53,217 13.54% 0.92%
Total $393,043 100.00% 0.95%
Page last modified on October 4, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000