Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet


Naval Submarine Support Command

NSSC Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor, HI


Congratulations on your orders to Historic Pearl Harbor Submarine base at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH).  Below are a few items permanent change of station.


Passports are required for all service members reporting to a submarine and, if possible, should be acquired prior to transfer.  Though not required, passports are recommend for all family members have passports to allow for travel to foreign ports and the mainland uninhibited.  Please refer to the (helpful links page) for information from the US State Department.

Uniform Wear

While it was once common for personnel to transit/PCS in uniform, this is no longer a good practice due to force protection rules.  When traveling on military orders you should always wear conservative civilian attire.


Keep your receipts!  You will be required to file a travel claim upon check-in.  Some items such as mailing unaccompanied baggage can be reimbursed partially or fully with receipts.

Medical / Dental

Dental class 1 or 2 should be completed prior to PCS.

All shots must be up to date for the service member and accompanying family members.

Seabag Tips

Hawaii is a tropical climate so pack civilian clothing for warm weather, with at least one pair of pants.

Uniform of the day on JBPHH is the NWU or Navy Service Uniform (NSU).  Ensure you pack at least two sets of each in your checked baggage since household goods shipment can take several months to arrive.

Training / NKO

Complete the following NKO courses prior to your arrival:

  • DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge V2 - DOD-IAA-V12.0
  • Fraternization Awareness and Prevention - CPPD-GMT-FAP-1.0
  • Combating Trafficking in Person (CTIP) General Awareness WBT - DOD-CTIP-1.0
  • Antiterrorism Level I Awareness Training - CENSECFOR-AT-010-1.0
  • SERE 100.1v2 - Level A Code of Conduct Training - JKDDC-Level-A-COCT-100.1-v2

Network Access

Completing and submitting your System Authorization Access Request (SAAR-N) prior to your arrival will speed up the process of creating your account, giving you the access you need sooner.  Please be aware that once this form is filled it, it will contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and must be protected as such.


Prior to boarding your plane for Hawaii contact the NSSC Command Duty Officer at (808) 220-2797 with your flight information, if you don't already have arrangements from the Honolulu Airport they will arrange for a duty drive to pick you up from the airport.

Vehicle Shipping Information

Those looking to ship a POV from the mainland should plan to ship their vehicle around one month from their arrival date.  The average CONUS to Hawaii shipping time is between 30-60 days, however it can take longer in certain circumstances.

Information, required documentation, and scheduling can be done via the PCS my POV website.

Prior to arrival it is also important that you review all state laws and registration information to make sure your vehicle will be drivable once you arrive. Please refer to the links below for State of Hawaii Vehicle Information

Housing and Lodging Information

A Certficate of Non-Avaibility (CNA) may be required from the Navy Gateway Inn and/or Navy Lodge prior to arranging stay in other temporary lodging establishments.  Please ensure that you contact NSSC Admin (808) 473-2484 for further information on your specific travel situation prior to making arrangements.

The following links are external to our site but are provided for your convenience.

Pet Quarantine

Relocating a pet to Hawaii can be a lengthy, complicated process.  There are also many restrictions on what kind of pets you are allowed to bring.  Please refer to the websites below for information on relocating your pets.

The following links are external to our site but are provided for your convenience.

Relocation Assistance

The following link is external to our site but are provided for your convenience.

Staying Connected