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The Real Deployment Cycle

 Posted by on August 29, 2016 at 07:00
Aug 292016




Welcome to deployment — be it your first or 50th (bless your resilient heart), you are in the company of some extremely strong stock. Deployment isn’t for the faint of heart — serving overseas or at home.

You’ve no doubt heard a lot of encouraging pep talks about how “you’ve got this,” and I have no doubt that you do. But, I remember the whirlwind of that first week of deployment (the highlights anyway). I kept coming back to a feeling that I closely associate to the one I had during childbirth: Why wasn’t I warned?

To be fair, I know I technically was warned, on the big stuff — the gist, childbirth and deployment are not times I want my sources to skimp on the details. I remember one predeployment brief in particular where they sat me down at a table among friends and showed me a PowerPoint slideshow of the phases of deployment — your basic denial-acceptance-grief-coping-excitement cycle (that is likely out of order, don’t quote me on that).

But no one pulled me aside, friend to friend, looked me square in the eyes and translated what those phases would look like in living color. Had they done that, it would have sounded something like this:

  1. You will wear only sweatpants and pajamas for a time. I can say now without shame that I went to a movie with my group of deployment buddies one evening, and I realized when I got home that my fly was down the entire time. That’s when you know you’re out of practice with any pair of pants requiring a zipper.
  2. You will get lax with hygiene. That first deployment, I think I changed my razor blade three, maybe four times — which I’m only just now realizing was incredibly icky. To my defense, that deployment overlapped with winter, so some of that was seasonal.
  3. Your diet is going to get weird. If you and your spouse don’t have kids (which was our situation the first time around), you might find it easy to scrap cooking altogether. I reverted back to the diet of my bachelorette days: chips and dip, popcorn, delivery pizza, drive-thru, etc. My diet got so weird, in fact, that I unintentionally cut out red meat, and eight years later, I still don’t eat it. If you have kids, you’ll probably start eating a lot of mashed or nugget-shaped foods — depending on the age of your kids. That second deployment was a lot of smoothies, mashed sweet potatoes and hummus for me and the kiddo.
  4. You will become furious with people for reasons you can’t understand just because they complained about missing their spouse for the weekend. Oh no, you didn’t.
  5. You will find superhuman ambition. That first deployment changed the course of my life forever — bear with me through the cheesiness of that line. I lost the teaching job I was offered due to budget cuts, so I was bored out of my mind — nothing to do for the first time in my entire life. So, I took a nod from a friend and pitched a column about my military spouse experience to our local paper. They bit. I wrote that column the entire deployment and two and a half years more. It led to the writing job I’ve held more than five years — which includes this blog you’re reading now — it’s the reason I’m going to grad school. And it all started because I was bored. That’s my story, I’m sure yours will be equally unexpected and incredible. Never underestimate the brilliance and strength of military spouses with time on their hands.
  6. You will be the bearer of bad news. It’s the Murphy’s Law of the whole situation: Something will go awry on your watch. You’ll likely have to give bad news over video chat, email, phone call, penned letter, carrier pigeon, etc. It’s not fun. The best advice I can give is grit your teeth, roll up your sleeves and deal with it (whatever it is). When you report the details across the miles, be confident. You handled it — no big deal. I always try to keep things in perspective: Yes, the dog got out and I had to chase her down the street and my son’s diaper leaked all over everything, but at no point was I in danger. Life is stressful — believe me, I get it, but don’t make each conversation with your deployed spouse negative. Find a balance that leaves you both looking forward to your chats.
  7. You will have to do it yourself. This is a good point to pause so you can go do whatever that is — fish your car keys out of the toilet, change a tire, be mom and dad, etc. Then, come on back and start back at number eight.
  8. You will get sappy. Have you ever teared up at a movie and then couldn’t believe you let yourself get so emotional? I cried at a Journey concert over the lyrics “I’m forever yours, faithfully.” My circle of friends hasn’t let me live that down to this day. I’m not a public crier, but sometimes deployment is driving and we are just the passengers.
  9. You will feel guilty for having fun. Eventually you have to liberate yourself from the sweatpants and have a little fun. Maybe it’ll be 24 hours, maybe two months — the length of your phases is your call. But you will find yourself laughing and spending time with friends, but guilt may be your plus one to the fun. Give yourself some slack. Laugh with your friends, do something on your bucket list — even if you’re flying solo. Go out to lunch. Travel back home to see your family. Get a pedicure. You’re doing a lot for your family (whether it’s just you and your spouse or you, your spouse and some adorable kiddos), so you deserve some “me time.”
  10. You will get downright giddy as you round the corner to homecoming. I cleaned, grocery shopped and cleaned some more for 48 hours straight leading up to homecoming day (part one). I envisioned the grandiose reunion, the ticker tape, the jazz band, and I was ready for it all.
  11. Your reunion will feel a little anticlimactic. You have your spouse in your arms, and at the end of the day, that is literally the only thing that matters. That is what you waited and wished for every day for months. As happy as the reunion will be, it’s worth mentioning that it won’t look like that scenario playing out in your head. It can be delayed (prepare yourself in advance for that). It might be dark. It may be cold. You might have a cold. Your spouse may have some readjusting to do. You need to slow down, ditch the vision of the ideal reunion and focus on reintegration. Love each other. Respect each other’s space and routines. Be patient. Be together.

That’s every last detail — the real breakdown of your deployment phases. They may not happen in that order, and you may come back to the sweatpants (or any other phase) a few times. But, that’s OK — because, one phase or another, you will get through it.

Life Hacks: How to Survive the Holidays Away

 Posted by on December 7, 2015 at 08:00
Dec 072015




Shhh…(read this in a whispering, nature-show-host Australian accent). Right over there — look between the hobby-store shelves — you’ll see the first Nordic land elves tending to candy cane fields and rows of evergreens. Crikey — I witnessed those elves frolicking in the hobby stores this August! That is just too soon. I can’t deal with it. I savor the holidays with my family, and seeing the decor so early in the year makes it seem like it’s an everyday occurrence. Military families don’t always get to spend holidays with one another or their extended families.

With each new deployment date announcement, my mind raced through the calendar to see which holidays we were losing. I’m not typically such a negative nelly, but spending birthdays, anniversaries, federal and religious holidays alone is a big deal, especially when you are stationed overseas or across the country from your extended family. It’s something you have to prepare for mentally and plan out to make it through without falling into the pit of depression. For those of you who’ve been there, you know I’m not being melodramatic. It really is a big deal and it is best to face it head on.

Unwrap it

From experience, I can tell you that the best place to start is in your own mind. Whether you are the one leaving on deployment or the one left behind, you both need to readjust your thinking and expectations of the holiday. Take a moment to whine and complain to one another and get it out of your system. It isn’t what you want, but you can’t change the situation, so change how you think about it. It will be tough, but you can make the holiday special if you work together and plan ahead.

Reframe it

Focusing on what you can do to make the holiday special within your current circumstances is the best use of your time and efforts (verses wallowing in the pit of gloom). It will be tough, but with planning, you can make it memorable and fun. Whichever holiday(s) you are planning for, you can use the following life hacks and just tweak them to fit your situation.

Keep traditions

Brainstorm (or make a list, for all you fellow type A’s) with your family about what traditions really make the holiday for each of you. Include food, drinks, games, songs, events, etc. Then look through the list and have everyone pick out at least one thing they can’t live without. That will be the basis for your plans. Find ways to keep or observe and share those key family traditions wherever you are located.

  • Take pictures, voice memos or videos to send to one another (including family and friends).
  • Email pictures, voice memos, videos, letters and eCards to stay connected and involved.
  • Mail picture, voice memo, videos, letters, cards, baked goods or wrapped gifts early.
  • Purchase, wrap or pack gifts with deployed member before they leave.
  • Set up a contact near home and in the service unit to help you surprise your spouse on holidays.
  • Use real-time video call applications to watch each other open gifts or be part of some activities.
Add new

Just like you learn to distract a toddler from an impending tantrum, you have to distract your mind a bit — or at least give it something new to look forward to. One way our family has found to do that is to introduce something new into our holidays each year (kudos to my uncle for the idea). This started out with adding a new dish to our family meal and morphed into trying new activities for the day.

  • Play a white elephant gift exchange (Google it for the rules). The gifts tend to be anything from gag gifts to useful or just fun. Some gag gifts (we call them bombs) continue to turn up year after year. We adopted this during Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it works for any occasion.
  • Invite others without local family to your holiday table and activities. Be the family and support that your friends need. Include them in your activities and involve their favorite traditions too. This is really where the military community is at its best, when we look out for one another.
  • Arrange a progressive dinner with other military families. Brunch and parade watching at one house, then everyone travels to the next house for a late dinner and football or board games, and later, everyone heads to the last house for dessert and enjoys a group game like white elephant.
  • Adopt new traditions from your host country if you are living in a foreign land. Do a little research about the particular holiday, and try out one of the customs. For the American-specific holidays, you can still include customs or recipes specific to the country in general. Change it up!
  • Go to events and volunteer before, during and after the holiday. Make a week of celebrations and helping others instead of focusing only on the one day. Take in a movie, parade, concerts, and serve at the food bank, homeless shelter, animal shelter or other community organization.
  • Create your own activities if there aren’t any around that suit your tastes. An ugly sweater party, board game night and silly games you see on late-night comedy shows that you turn into neighborhood tournaments should help jump start your creative ideas for entertainment.

Embrace the change. You’ll be surprised at what you enjoy and will want to continue to do year after year. We’ve adopted some of the new food and activities into our family traditions. Holidays away from family can be tough, but with planning, you can have memorable and fun-filled celebrations that connect you across the miles.

You Can Do Anything 2 Times, Right?

 Posted by on October 6, 2015 at 10:56
Oct 062015



Guest Blogger Julie Green

Guest Blogger Julie Green

Blogger Biography: Julie GreenI am mom to one hot mess of a toddler, wife to a Navy sailor, and dedicated mosquito slayer (I am on the marketing team at an outdoor pest control company.) I love writing about life, whether that’s being a working mom, a military spouse or just being a woman — beautiful chaos and hilarity ensues with all of that.


The days and nights leading up to a deployment can be the hardest on your heart. There is a clock above your head that ticks louder and faster as the date draws near. Sometimes you aren’t sure you can handle the pressure, but you do. The date comes…and then goes. You watch the plane take off, you watch the ship sail away or you drive away from the base wondering how you’re going to get through this deployment.

The first couple of months actually fly by, and I sit back and think, “Man, I can do this. I’ve got this.” I let myself free float out of protection mode and into automatic pilot. And while I do in fact “have this,” I hit a mental wall a few weeks ago. I find myself feeling very lucky because I have a job I adore and an insane 2.5 year old that keeps me busy — very, very busy. From the time he wakes up in the morning until I lay down at night, my days are full. Of course, I think about my husband all the time, but I’m going 100 miles per hour. I’m distracted. And for the first couple of months I put my son to bed and find anything and everything to do to keep moving. You would think my house would be spotless, right? Ha. I wish. Turns out my after-hour distractions do not include cleaning or laundry. I digress.

One evening I check the mail, and I have a letter from that sweet husband of mine. I’m reading and smiling because he starts telling me all the things he misses about me. He misses earrings not making it to the jewelry box, soda cans all over the house and the string of clothes on the floor that stretches from our bedroom door all the way to the shower. (He must love me if he is misses my annoying habits.) But in the letter he asks me, “What do you miss most about me?” I read this, fold the letter up and immediately go about distracting myself.

This nags at me for a week. I find myself thinking about it driving, in the shower, on my lunch break. What do I miss most? I come home one evening and after getting my child to bed, I pour a glass of wine and revisit the letter. I come to my answer, get out a pen and a paper to write him a letter back — and the floodgates open. Thankfully I have an amazing sister who sits on the phone with me and lets me ugly cry my way through the first “I miss him so much I am physically hurting” night and then has me laughing hysterically by the end of the conversation. It happens, but it passes.

These are times it is important to lean on the support system you have. Sometimes these people aren’t the family you’re born into —they’re the connections you’ve made along this journey. Maybe that connection is another spouse from the command, with whom you have lots in common, or the coworker who has been through umpteen deployments. Maybe, like me, it is your sister who has no idea what you’re going through, but just loves you and lets you vent.

If you’re wondering what I miss most — to answer the big question — it is being his wife. I miss the quiet moments in the evenings spent with my legs draped over him on the couch— me on my tablet and him watching yet another military movie. I miss waking up in the night and hearing his slow, steady breathing, and cooking dinner at the stove when he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist (while sneaking food off the counter).

It isn’t fun to think about (especially when you have six months of the deployment left), and I don’t even make it through the letter that night. But, while sharing a cup of coffee with a veteran spouse and telling her about the letter and my fears, she asks me if I had blogged about it. She reminds me that writing is cathartic for me and says maybe I should consider it. It could help not only me, but others going through the struggles of deployment. So here I am, deleting and re-writing, inserting, and copying and pasting my way through a really hard blog post.

That’s life though, right? Trying to delete, re-write, and copy and paste things so they look really pretty when, in fact, life sometimes just isn’t really pretty. Some days are good and some days are rough. Yesterday marks three months, and my son and I are doing awesome. If we made it through the first three months, we only have to do that two more times, and you can do anything twice. Right? I feel blessed that I found that husband of mine to love and miss — even if he comes with a side of deployment.



Deployment Hacks: How to Be Present When You’re Absent

 Posted by on July 29, 2015 at 11:15
Jul 292015



Crabbiness strikes our house about a month before every major deployment. The inconsistent work hours, due to the predeployment sea trials and work-ups, take their toll on our hearts. It’s tough to say good-bye so many times before the big day, and that day looms over us like a cartoon Acme anvil hanging by a shredded rope.



That predeployment cycle of tension also comes from the silent concerns each family member has about the deployment. Before my husband’s Med cruise, he mentioned that his biggest fear was our daughter not remembering him when he returned (she was 23 months old at the time). I imagine that many deployed parents share that fear.

My husband and I decided to refocus our crabby energy into finding ways for him to be present with our daughter while he was absent. As we started making plans, we realized it was going to take a team effort to stay connected during deployment. Here are the deployment hacks that worked for us:

Predeployment hacks

(These hacks are mostly for the deploying parent.)

Take time with your kids to create special gifts for each other before the deployment. You’ll build fond memories into each creation that will help your child feel closer to you when they use that item.

Daddy videoYou can tailor any of these ideas to fit your child’s age.

  • Voice vault: Record the deploying parent’s voice saying I love you and place it in a stuffed animal (the child can do the same for the parent). Many malls have stores that will do this.
  • Puffy-hand pillowcase: Trace your hands on a pillowcase with puffy paint so your child can place their hands in your hands when they go to sleep. Write goodnight messages on the pillow too.
  • Family film: Make a video of the deploying parent reading the child’s favorite books, singing songs, directing the goodnight routine or doing whatever has meaning to your family.
  • Moon messages: Think of a special message you and your child want to share (I love you). Speak it to the moon together. Every time you both see the moon, it will remind you of your message.
  • Deployment diary: Create a deployment diary with your child. Place pictures of the two of you on the first page and then your child can add in everything you mail them (letters and drawings).
  • Later letters: Write letters for each other before the deployment to read while deployed. Place instructions on the envelope: “Open this letter when you need…” (a pep talk, a hug, etc.)
  • Traveling tale: Create a story together over the miles. The parent can start the story by writing the first paragraph. Mail or email the story to the child for them to continue the tale. Repeat.

Deployment hacks

(These hacks are mostly for the parent or caretaker at home.)

Even with the real-time video apps available, technology can crash. With kids, you always want to have a backup plan to stay in touch and soften the disappointment of dropped calls, frozen video screens or crashed email service.

The first week of deployment is all about getting the kids back into a routine. Try to work the following into your everyday schedule.

  • Set up a count down. Place one chocolate kiss per person for every day of the deployment in a large jar. Eat the daily kiss and talk about what the deployed parent might be doing right then.
  • Walk to the moon. When the kids are really missing their deployed parent, take a night walk to see the moon and help them remember the special message the moon holds for them.
  • Share random favorites. Find ways to mention the deployed parent in everyday conversation. Mention it when you see something they would think is funny, or their favorite meal or color.
  • Create a memory box. Wrap or decorate an empty box. Have the kids place art projects, report cards or anything they are proud of or want to remember to show or tell their deployed parent.
  • Erin and Brian and track the ikeExchange pictures. The deployed parent and kids will treasure all the pictures they can get. Take and send each other pictures of everyday life moments, not posed, for an authentic connection.
  • Track the deployment. Place a map on a foam-core board. Use pushpins to track where your service member travels. Discuss the locations so the kids can ask the deployed parent about it.
  • Send mail and email. Care packages are nice, but sending frequent mail and email is even more important. The everyday conversations strengthen the family bond in spite of the distance.

Homecoming hacks

Merging back into the family after deployment takes time. Talk about the deployment and catch up on what went on for all family members, but also start to make new memories as a family.

  • Create a family-only zone. Go into lockdown mode where only your immediate family is together for a few days so you have time to reconnect. There will be time for welcome-home parties after the family has time to begin to settle in and get used to one another again.
  • Reconnect through the memory box. While in self-imposed lockdown, snuggle up on the couch with each child (separately) and use the items in the memory box as conversation starters. Ask open-ended questions to help your kids open up and make sure to share your adventures too.
  • Complete the deployment diary. Your family deployment story is in each child’s deployment diary. Tell your kids what you did while deployed around the time of each letter in the book. Help them record the events of homecoming from their perspective and yours.


The most important homecoming hack: remember to be present while you’re present (put away the smart phones). Be patient with one another as you catch up and settle back into life together.



Deploying After a PCS

 Posted by on June 3, 2015 at 12:53
Jun 032015



So you found out you have PCS orders. Maybe your husband brought home flowers when he broke the news. Maybe that got your spidey senses up. Hmm, flowers? We have been doing this for a hot minute, you don’t need to soften



PCS orders with flowers, dude. Maybe it’s because your spouse also wanted to tell you that in addition to moving, his new unit will be deploying within six months of arriving and the dreaded “work-ups” start immediately. Has this happened to you? You are not alone. In fact, I often think that PCS classes and deployment readiness workshops should be given in conjunction.

While I will admit moving to an unfamiliar area and not having an in-place support system can be stressful, it’s also a chance to find out what you are made of. Here are a few ways to build up your military spouse tool box and help you prepare for the double whammy — the PCS followed by the deployment.

Before your move

Visit MilitaryInstallations — and I’m totally not just saying that because this is a Military OneSource blog. It really is full of lots of useful, great and accurate information. Once you have a baseline feel for your new duty station, hit up Google, hard and often. Scope out the neighborhoods you might want to live in, check out base housing and decide on a safe location to live. Also take this as a chance to scope out your new city and start a list of things to see, activities for your kiddos, possible job opportunities and recon the daycare or school options. Search social media for groups pertaining to your new duty station. Then lurk. That’s what I do. I look at current conversations, check out previous conversations and really get a feel for our new home. If we are going to be “doing the deployment thing” immediately I want to hit the ground running without trial and error, such as picking the wrong dance center for ballet classes… oh, the horror.

And seriously, start mentally preparing. Life is going to be a little chaotic. Know that in advance and embrace it. I know that I personally handle stressful situations when I know in advance that it’s going to be stressful and remind myself that “Hey, I can deal with chaos for a few months. I can do this. Totes. Seriously. I’ve got this.”


After your move, before deployment

Go to the briefs and spouse workshops. Yes, even if you have been a million times before. Use it as a chance to network with other spouses. Not only will you be holding down the home front with these spouses, but chances are there are a few that have been in the area a while and can help you get connected. You might even be surprised and learn something new since the last time your spouse deployed, such as access to local services to help families of deployed service members.

Also, don’t forget to get your kids settled as quickly as possible after the move. Military life is a roller coaster but you can help by doing the normal things you do after a PCS such as unpacking their rooms first, enrolling them in clubs or sports and helping them build up their own support network to help deal while their parent is deployed.

While being left to establish your family in a new place while your spouse is deployed isn’t ideal, it isn’t the end of the world. With a positive attitude and preparation you can add another gold star to your “awesome things I accomplished while my spouse deployed” list.

7 Things No One Tells You When Moving Back to America

 Posted by on March 18, 2015 at 10:15
Mar 182015





We just recently PCSed back to America from being stationed overseas in Okinawa, Japan. I fondly remember all the emotions from three years ago when we were making the “big move across the Pacific,” as we called it. I remember being nervous, scared, stressed and excited. Of course these are all normal reactions to moving to a foreign country that you have never visited and know little about. However, no one told me that it would be just as nervous, scary, stressful and exciting to move back to the states. Here are seven things that surprised me about moving back:

  1. American stores can be overwhelming. The first time we walked into a big box store upon returning I took a picture because I had forgotten how vast American stores can be. And the malls, y’all, so many stores under one roof. Which leads to….
  2. Selection overload, my goodness. Did you know there are whole entire refrigerated sections devoted to yogurt? Just yogurt. And that you can buy virtually any type of fruit or vegetable, no matter the season, at the grocery store? We discovered flavor combinations and brands of cookies, cereal, yogurt, chips and drinks that we had never heard of because they haven’t made their way over to Japan yet. Our first shopping trip was about two and a half hours long, and we left with hardly anything because there was just too much to choose from that I needed to revise my game plan. It is still actually tough having so many things to choose from and I find myself missing the days of choosing between item A or item B (and sometimes just item A because B is out of stock).
  3. The technology will amaze you. I am not sure about other overseas duty stations, but Okinawa ironically isn’t up to date with the cutting edge technology. When we walked into the electronics store to get a new TV we were hit with so many selections of 4K/Ultra HD, 3-D, surround sound, etc. We had to get a lesson in what everything was. Also with cell phones, we forgot what “normal” was. (Note: I hear that the cell phone systems in Okinawa changed right when we left so these statements may no longer be accurate, but they sure were for us while we lived there.)
  4. It is so strange to head out in town and not have to check how much foreign currency I have on me. I had a “yen coin” holder that was always in my purse. I will admit it was a sad day when I retired my special blue yen holder, but there is freedom in only depending on one type of currency and knowing that your debit card will work everywhere.
  5. You don’t need to plan for holidays, birthdays and other festivities months in advance. No more checking to see if a company ships to APO/FPO addresses or if they use USPS Priority verses the other delivery services. I still find myself online shopping and thinking, “Oh bummer, their stuff comes by the ‘slow boat.’” Then I have the “duh” moment of “Oh yeah, everything arrives fast here.”
  6. You can leave hoarders anonymous behind. Overseas I had what I called “two syndrome.” Virtually everything I bought I put two in the cart. Closer to Thanksgiving I found myself with copious amounts of pumpkin pie filling, crescent rolls and pie crust. I must remind myself when shopping now that there is absolutely no reason to hoard items. I don’t need to have a supply of black beans to feed an army. I can come back any day of the week and the store will have what I need.
  7. American driving is so fast. With typical speed limits starting at 65 plus miles per hour and relearning to drive on the right-hand side of the road, I am pretty sure I still have a white-knuckle death grip on the steering wheel. We have been home for a few months and I still find myself flipping my windshield wipers on instead of my turn signal or getting into the passenger side of the car thinking that it is the driver’s side. My husband has to remind me that the speed limit is 65 miles per hour and most people would prefer I go at least 55 verses my new default speed of 45. Why is everyone in such a hurry anyhow?

All in all, I will say that moving back to America after living overseas was surprisingly difficult. Before we PCSed back it never occurred to me that we might encounter some of the challenges and surprises we did. So if you are living overseas and have a PCS back to America on the horizon, don’t forget to mentally prepare. Adjusting isn’t necessarily without hiccups just because this is what you grew up. In the end, this is home and we are glad to be back. Now excuse me as I go aimlessly walk the aisles at my favorite store, in person and not online, just because I can.

Guest Blog | Welcome Back Home

 Posted by on November 29, 2014 at 11:15
Nov 292014


Guest Blogger:  Salyssa Camacho

My contribution to the Military Family Month observance comes with equal measures of pride and grit, along with a chaser of relief. My husband just completed the first deployment of his six-year Navy career. It lasted seven months and it took him to Japan, Guam and Singapore. As any military spouse can appreciate, the deployment took me to new adventures, too.

My husband, Jeremiah, and I are high school sweethearts born and raised in Oklahoma. My husband came from a military family, but I did not. We have a six year-old daughter and four year-old son and live in base housing outside Naval Base San Diego. I love my husband for more reasons than I can count. But after his deployment caused me to appreciate the many little things he did around the house that went unnoticed, I know I love him more. He covers so much – from managing our family’s finances to putting giggles into our children’s lives.

My daughter is without a doubt a Daddy’s Girl. She is normally a motivated student, but struggled a bit during his deployment. I’m grateful to the military families who surround us and who know the ropes and who led me to resources on base, especially the work of the resiliency team. It has a program to train civilian teachers to identify and support military children who are dealing with the stresses of a parent’s deployment. The program works with children ages three and above and focuses on four core skills: communication, problem solving, regulating emotion and setting goals. My daughter was one of the only military children in her school and I know the program will be a lifeline to the many military children who come after her.

The happy news for our whole family is that my husband is back. My daughter is her vibrant self again and I look forward to my husband immersing himself in all of the roles I used to take for granted, but never will again. We thank him for his service to the country and most definitely to our little family in San Diego.


Guest Blog | #MyMilFam Always Flexible

 Posted by on November 28, 2014 at 09:30
Nov 282014



Guest Blogger:  Faith St. Thomas

Semper Gumby. As an Air Force brat, who married a sailor, I know with a certainty that flexibility is the secret sauce of military life. My husband is a Chief Petty Officer who had deployed five times in Panama and in and around the Strait of Hormuz, before we met. Then, we married and had the luxury of an assignment in Washington, where my husband came home for dinner every night.

It is the point of military readiness: be prepared when duty calls. If I needed confirmation of that point, I got it just weeks after we found out I was pregnant with multiples. Tony got new orders to deploy. I moved in with his parents, who were career Army. They knew how to see me through what would be a very difficult pregnancy. It would give us all our beautiful little Isaac and soon after he was born, we would join my husband at Yokosuka in Japan.

Two years later, it’s a strain on my family to be so far from Isaac during developmental milestones, but he has settled right in and moves effortlessly through Japanese culture. It is a charmed start to his life that will no doubt pay incredible dividends as he grows older.

As for me, I am a former Navy civilian employee. Jobs for spouses stationed in Japan are scarce and childcare is scarcer still. So for now, I am content to raise Isaac and mentor the wives of new petty officers who arrive on base. We founded a spouses club at Yokosuka some months ago. Serving alongside these women is a tremendous honor. They are smart, hard-working and so resilient it can be easy for them to take themselves for granted. If my work and history are to carry a message to them, it would be that Semper Gumby doesn’t mean Semper Solo. Not only is there an accidental but strong support network of spouses always available in a pinch or in times of stress, there are military services created to help nurture emotional stamina. Military family wholeness is a critical foundation for military readiness. Taking care of ourselves – and asking for help when we need it – is our duty as we support the service members who serve the nation.


Guest Blog | #MyMilFam Going Home

 Posted by on November 26, 2014 at 15:05
Nov 262014


Guest Blogger: Natalie Burke

Author Thomas Wolfe was wrong. You can go home again, even if you questioned whether you wanted to.

I grew up as an Army brat – with all of the relocation and forced flexibility that implies. I swore as an adult, I wanted to plant my feet firmly in one place for the rest of my life. Then, I began my career as an elementary school special education teacher alongside the librarian mother of Navy LT Will Burke. The pressure for a meeting built after my father met Will’s father at a military conference.

Both of our families started trying to get us together. We finally met at a military mass at the National Basilica in Washington and started dating.

Within four months, Will was deployed to the waters off North Africa. We kept in touch by the internet and satellite phone. We got married this summer and I was plunged back into military life which I see in a less ego centric light than I allowed as a child or even young adult. Now, I can see the gifts that military life has given me. As things change, I’m very quick to adapt to it. In an increasingly globalized society, I have the ability to move through other cultures easily and with an open mind.

I do not look forward to the day Will deploys again, but I have a strong support network and I’m an informed advocate for the services made available to military families such as spouses clubs and Family Readiness groups.

Military families know that life isn’t always easy, but we are committed to working toward the greater good. Part of that includes educating our civilian friends and neighbors. They are very quick to thank our service members, and often their nuclear families, for their service. But when those service members deploy, lending an ear or a helping hand would be welcome for a lot of military families who really dig in their feet and try to get everything done on their own. They may not look up and ask for help, but a demonstration of understanding for the spouse left behind — and an extra dose of love and support for a child missing a deployed parent – can change everything for an hour or two. And that can make all the difference.



Guest Blog | #MyMilFam Staying Connected

 Posted by on November 25, 2014 at 16:02
Nov 252014


Guest Blogger: Carmen Puckett

My contribution to the Military Family month reflections comes as my husband, Rob, prepares to deploy to Okinawa from our home at Camp Pendleton. Rob is a Marine Staff Sergeant who has deployed before in our three year marriage. He is a Marine Corps brat. I grew up in Wisconsin as the daughter of civilians and grand-daughter of service members. We have a one year-old son named Noah, who was born during one of Rob’s deployments.

Having Rob away during those milestones is something I expect as part of my family’s service, but when I think of the unknown that my grandparents endured, I realize how blessed this generation of military families is. Families who served in conflicts even as recent as the Persian Gulf War relied largely on slow-moving communications by mail. Months could go by without word. Families could only trust that their loved ones were out of harm’s way. So many family milestones, birthdays and holidays were marked only by a photograph to share with a service member who was deployed.

Today, we have satellite phones – even cell phones – email and Skype, which allows us to stay connected in real time and hear each other’s voices. It is a comfort. Rob may not have been in the delivery room when Noah was born, but he got to watch Noah come into the world on FaceTime. He was part of the experience.

The ease offered by electronic communications has changed the face of family service and no doubt the readiness of a fighting force who no longer has to feel quite so removed from the comforts of home and family.

All materials copyright Military OneSource, 2012. Blog content held jointly by writer and Military OneSource, with shared rights to republish with appropriate attribution.