Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet


USS North Carolina (SSN 777)

Submarine Squadron 1

Pearl Harbor, HI
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CDR Gary Montalvo

Commanding Officer, USS North Carolina (SSN 777)

CDR Gary MontalvoGary Montalvo was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico and in 8th grade his family moved to Durham, North Carolina where he completed high school. 
He graduated from USNA and earned an M.B.A. from George Washington University.

Ashore, Montalvo has served in various staff positions at COMUSNAVSO, OPNAV, Naval Reactors & COMPACFLT.

Afloat, Montalvo completed his initial tour on the USS ANNAPOLIS (SSN 760) where he completed a Mediterranean deployment. He served as Engineer Officer in USS PENNSYLVANIA (SSBN 735)(BLUE) completing five strategic patrols. Most recently he served in the USS TEXAS (SSN 775) as Executive Officer completing a SOUTHCOM and a Western Pacific Deployment.

Montalvo is authorized to wear three battle efficiency awards earned by the exceptional crews of the USS PENNSYLVANIA (BLUE) and USS TEXAS during his service on those boats.

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