Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet

Root : Resources : Equal Opportunity : EO-EEO Policy

Equal Opportunity

Equal Opportunity / Equal Employment Opportunity Mission and Policy

As the Commander for the Submarine Force, U. S. Pacific Fleet, I am personally committed to ensuring Equal Opportunity (EO) for each Sailor and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) for each Civilian.

Acts of discrimination are contrary to our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.  Sailors and Civilians who model Navy Core Values do not engage in or condone these negative behaviors.  Additionally, discriminatory practices adversely affect good order and discipline, unit cohesion, mission readiness and prevent our Navy and Submarine Force from attaining the highest levels of operational readiness.

It is my policy that all members of this organization be treated with respect and dignity, and be valued equally, regardless of race, color, national origin, gender/sex, religion, sexual orientation, as well as, age, disability, gender identity or genetic information for Civilian employees.  If you believe you have been discriminated against based on any of these categories, you are encouraged to promptly notify the chain of command and/or the EO/EEO staff.  Reprisal against any victim or witness of discrimination is strictly prohibited and will result in prompt and appropriate action against offenders.  All personnel assigned to this organization hold a shared responsibility to ensure that illegal discrimination is eradicated and that accountability is appropriately assessed.

Responsibilities of all Sailors and Civilians.  All personnel within the Pacific Fleet Submarine Force shall enforce this policy through credible leadership and shall not condone or ignore discrimination of which they have knowledge or have reason to have knowledge.  Reported incidents of discrimination will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with swiftly, fairly, and effectively.  If the alleged offense is substantiated, immediate and appropriate action will be taken to remedy the situation.  Individuals responding to the incident will maintain confidentiality to the greatest extent possible.  Any Sailor or Civilian who is found to have committed unlawful discriminatory behavior will be subjected to immediate disciplinary action.

Responsibilities of those who believe they have an Equal Opportunity complaint.

Military: Contact your Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Manager or Force Command Climate Specialist (CCS) at (808) 473-0161/0826 or if you have any EO questions or a complaint.  If a complaint can not be handled to your satisfaction utilizing the informal complaint venue, you may file a formal complaint if it is made within 60 days of the offending incident, or in the case of a series of incidents, within 60 days of the most recent incident.  Individuals may file a complaint using NAVPERS 5354/2 (Rev. 07/11), Navy Equal Opportunity (EO) Formal Complaint Form.  It can be obtained from the Command CMEO, any CCS or downloaded from the Navy EO Office's Web site.

Civilian: Contact the regional servicing EEO Counselor within 45 days of the discriminatory action.  Complainant may request to participate in the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process.  Counseling must be completed within 30 days and ADR within 90 days.  If counseling or ADR is unsuccessful, the individuals may file a formal complaint with the DON.  The DON must complete an investigation of the complaint within 180 days of the date the formal complaint is filed.  Upon completion of an investigation, the complainant has 30 days to request a hearing and decision by an EEO Commission administrative judge; an immediate final decision from the SECNAV; or submit a written request to withdraw the complaint.  The complaint process and timelines will be explained in detail to all members upon their counseling visit to the regional servicing EEO Office.

All Commanders, Commanding Officers and Officers-in-Charge are charged with ensuring all personnel are treated with respect and valued equally.  Ensure the reporting requirements are met and personnel are educated and trained upon reporting onboard (within 30 days to the extent possible) and annually thereafter on EO and grievance procedures as outlined OPNAVINST 5354.1F.  Assess their command climate within 90 days after assumption of command, with annual follow-up assessments during their command tenure utilizing the triangulation method as defined in OPNAVINST 5354.1F.  Promulgate an EO/EEO policy statement.  Ensure submission of a Climate Assessment Executive Summary with POA&M to COMSUBPAC CCS within 60 days of completed assessment.  Ensure your command EO program complies with the CMEO Checklist of OPNAVINST 5354.1F

The strength of our EO and EEO programs are the foundation of our continued success.  We are committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.

-- Rear Admiral Frederick J. Roegge, Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet

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