Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet

Root : Resources : Equal Opportunity : Diversity Policy

Equal Opportunity

Diversity Policy

In order to attract the talent to meet our need for highly technical, innovative, and dedicated individuals that can meet the challenge of a being a Submariner, we must keep pace with the demographic shifts of our nation. Diversity is a strategic imperative and a top priority for our Navy and Submarine Force. I expect leadership to understand and communicate the purpose of diversity initiatives, the desired end state and the personal actions required by all hands to aid in this effort.

Desired end state:

  • Every member of COMSUBPAC contributes toward a dynamic culture that attracts, develops, grows, and retains the best talent and reflects the diversity of our nation.
  • Personnel are encouraged and enabled to reach their full potential.
  • Teams are empowered, collaborative, industrious, and inclusive.
  • Leaders fully utilize talent and treat individuals with dignity and respect.
  • Commands are committed and successful in carrying out our missions.

Personal actions required. The vital importance of diversity to our force demands special emphasis on the following diversity strategies:

Outreach creates opportunity to showcase our enterprise. Outreach is an all-hands responsibility which includes sustained engagement in our local communities, namesake cities, universities, and hometowns. We will support NROTC, JROTC, and other organizations and institutions that can influence the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in our young people.

Mentorship provides the leverage needed to help guide individuals toward achievement of career milestones and a successful total career. Mentorship will be a robust, all-hands inclusive effort. We will provide mentorship formally and informally, within culture and cross-cultural, and inside and outside our commands. COMSUBPAC leaders will exhibit an authentic concern for growth and development of each individual.

Life Work balance. I challenge leadership to find creative and innovative solutions that result in a healthy balance of life style and mission readiness.

Brilliant on the basics. Our internal programs that build successful teams and develop and retain individuals must thrive. These programs include sponsorship, indoctrination, training, qualifications, and career development; but also include incentives, stress reduction, and Equal Opportunity.

Accountability. I expect Commanding Officers to hold individuals accountable for participation, communication, and improvement of our Diversity efforts. I encourage our leaders to exchange ideas that will allow us to implement and improve diversity across our Force.

-- Rear Admiral Frederick J. Roegge, Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet

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