HomeResources/LINKS2D MAW Equal Opportunity Advisor
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing


2nd Marine Aircraft Wing

 2ND Marine Aircraft Wing Equal Opportunity Advisor

The Marine Corps will provide equal opportunity for all military members without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or sexual orientation, consistent with the law, regulations, and requirements for physical and mental abilities. The achievement and maintenance of this goal is integral to the full development of esprit de corps, pride and individual preparedness which are essential to combat readiness.

If you would like to file an Equal Opportunity Complaint 2D MAW please contact:
2ND MAW Equal Opportunity Advisor
Office: (252) 466-2933
BlackBerry: (252) 876-6345

EOA Documents and References:

2ND MAW Commanding General's Equal Opportunity Policy Statement
2ND MAW Commanding General's Hazing Policy Statement
Request Mast Form
2016 Equal Opportunity Training Courses (East Coast)
Marine Corps Procedures for Processing of Discrimination/Sexual Harassment Complaints (NAVMC 2921)

Marine Corps Complaint Procedures

1. Direct Approach
a. In person, by approaching the offending individual.
b. In writing, send a letter to the offending person stating the facts, your feelings about the behavior, and expected resolution.

2. Informal Third Party
a. Request assistance from another person.
b. Normally a friend or co-worker.

3. Training Information Resources (TIR)
a. Request training or resource materials for presentation to the work place in areas of discrimination, harassment or inappropriate behavior.
b. TIR includes videos, books, lesson plans, posters, etc. Request TIR from Equal Opportunity Advisor. 
    Please contact 2D MAW EOA at (252) 466-2933.


1. Request Mast
a. Preferred method for an individual to make a complaint of discrimination/sexual harassment.

2. Article 138. UCMJ Complaint
a. Marine alleges wrong committed by the commanding officer.

3. Redress of Wrong Committed by a Superior
a. Marine may file complaint against any superior, who the Marine believes committed a wrong doing. (USNAVREGS, Art. 1150).

4. Communications with Inspector General
a. Alternative to the normal chain of command.
b. Marines may lodge complaints and provide facts to the Command Inspector General (CIG) or to representative of the Deputy Naval Inspector General for Marine Corps Matters/Inspector General of the Marine Corps. Please contact 2D MAW IG at (252) 466-4676.
c. Marines may lodge complaints concerning violations of law, rules, and regulations: fraud, waste or inefficiency: abuse of authority: or other misconduct.

5. Individual Communications with Congress
a. Marines may write individual letters to members of Congress at any time concerning EO issues.


 Contact 2ND MAW Equal Opportunity Advisor

2ND MAW Equal Opportunity Advisor

Office: (252) 466-2933
BlackBerry: (252) 876-6345



The special emphasis observances listed here are established and commemorated throughout DoD. From time to time, Congress and the President may establish other occasions that may require action. Directors are expected to publicize these events, establish policy that supports and allows personnel to have a reasonable opportunity to participate in these events.

January Third Monday
Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday
Public Law 98-144, Nov 83 (Federal Holiday)

February 1-28/29
African American History Month
First Presidential Proclamation, Feb 76

March 1-31
Women's History Month
Public Law 100-0, Mar 87

Sunday to Sunday for Week Incorporating Yom Hashoah
"Days of Remembrance" for Victims of the Holocaust
Public Law 96-388, Oct 80

May 1-31
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
First Presidential Proclamation, May 91

August 26
Women's Equality Day
First Presidential Proclamation, Aug 73

September/October 15 Sep - 15 Oct
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Public Law 100-402, Aug 88

November 1-30
National Native American Indian Heritage Month
Public Law 102-188, Mar 92