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Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point


Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point

Cherry Point, North Carolina
Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I weigh my vehicle for a PPM?
There is one on base on access road, free of charge. Appointments can be made through the DMO office at (252)466-2345 twice a day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 am and 2:00 pm and Thursday only at 9:00 am . Any public scale within 50 miles of origin that will provide you with a certified weight ticket is acceptable. There are several local companies that have scales for just this purpose.

Where do I go to submit a claim?
All claims are filed with the TSP, if once settled you do not agree with you can file at depreciate cost with the government claims office.

If I know or think I'm over my weight allowance, what can I do to protect myself from being charged?
You can request a witnessed reweigh by DMO or witness the reweigh yourself. You need to make sure all PBP&E is listed on the inventory with a weight beside each item. You are not charged for the weight of your Pro gear, towards your movement entitlement. For additional information please contact your local DMO Counseling Office for the answer.

What is the difference between Non-Temporary Storage and Temporary Storage?
Non-Temporary Storage (Long Term Storage) is the storage of your personal property when you go overseas or if all your belongings won't fit into your on-base housing.

Temporary Storage or Storage in Transit (SIT) is the temporary storage of your household goods. Your shipment will be placed in SIT when you arrive at your new location but you are not ready to receive your household goods (e.g. looking for a house, etc). The shipment may remain in SIT for up to 90 days, with extensions possible with proper justification beyond the initial 90 day period.

Who do I call if I'm having problems with the movers while they are packing or unpacking my house?
If you have any problems, questions or concerns regarding the moving services being provided by the moving company, you should immediately contact the Camp Pendleton Quality Assurance at (252)288-2474 Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm (except Federal Holidays).

Am I required to feed the moving crew, give them beverages, or tip them for their work?
There are no requirements to provide food or beverages to the movers. You may choose to offer the moving crew food or non-alcoholic beverages, it is not required. Tipping the movers for their services is neither suggested nor recommended.

How important is it that I complete the survey at the end of my move?
Your feedback regarding the quality of the moving service that you received is important to us. The information that you provide will allow us to focus on critical concerns and take appropriate punitive action, as well as improve the service provided to customers who will be moving in the future.

Why is it necessary for me to provide my enroute e-mail address and / or my enroute cell telephone numbers to my origin and destination Personal Property Offices?
Having your enroute email address or telephone number is important. From time to time, it may be necessary for us to contact you with important information regarding the status of your shipment. When your shipment arrives DMO must be able to notify you of this right away, particularly if you want a direct delivery instead of placing your property into tempoary storage. DMO only have one hour for moves less than 200 miles or two hours for moves greater than 200 miles to contact you and arrange delivery, once your property arrives at the destination agent location. If we are unable to contact you within these timeframes, the shipment will be placed into temporary storage and especially during the busy summer season could delay your desired delivery date.

What are the work hours for the moving crews?
The movers are required to arrive to your residence between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. In accordance with the Defense Transportation Regulation, once they arrive and begin services, they may work until 9:00 pm at which time you should decide whether or not to allow them to continue.

My paperwork says the required delivery date is such and such date - does that mean my HHG will be delivered on that day?
Your shipping documents will provide you a Required Delivery Date (RDD). This date reflects the "no-later than" date that your TSP must have the shipment to the destination agent and available for delivery. The RDD does not mean that the agent must deliver the property to your residence NLT the RDD. Please remember that if the shipment has not arrived by the RDD, you are entitled to then file an inconvenience claim with the TSP for reasonable out of pocket expenses that you may incur. Ensure that you retain any and all receipts to expedite this process. Please review the Inconvenience claim sample letter.


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