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Developer Resources

This page is for developers and contains frequently asked questions and links to our terms of use and documentation.


Word Cloud with OpenFEMA-related terms like Web, visualization, programmer, c++, javascript, ruby, challenge, csv, and html.


Welcome to the OpenFEMA Developer Resources site.  Here you will find access to FEMA’s datasets through our Application Programming Interface (API) for use in your applications and mashups.  We are pleased to offer developers access to FEMA APIs free of charge and without user registration requirements.  Please contact the OpenFEMA Team  to suggest additional datasets.

Terms & Conditions

To begin, please review the FEMA API Terms & Conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the API the authoritative source of data for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)?

Yes, the API is the authoritative source for FEMA’s public data. The API includes FEMA’s data that has been released through the open government program for public consumption and is the same data that is shared on

How can I request adding other datasets to the API?

Send a request via email at with the dataset information and the link to where you found it online. Our team will review your request.

In what formats are FEMA datasets released?

FEMA datasets are currently released through the API in XML, JSON and BSON formats.

I want to develop an application using a programming language that FEMA is not supporting, what can I do?

You may email suggestions to us at Our team will evaluate your request and determine whether we have the ability to provide one for you.

How frequently are the APIs updated?  Are they live data feeds?

The API updates vary depending on how often each dataset is updated. Some datasets will be updated daily while others are updated quarterly. The exact frequency of updates is included in each datasets metadata.

How should I cite the source of FEMA data including any disclaimers?

As listed in the API Terms & Conditions: users of FEMA’s APIs should cite the date that FEMA data were accessed or retrieved using the APIs. 

  • Users must clearly state that “This product uses the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s API, but is not endorsed by FEMA.” 
  • FEMA cannot verify the quality and/or timeliness of any data or any analysis derived therefrom after the data has been retrieved from 
  • The logos and/or seals of FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may not be used without prior written authorization from FEMA or DHS.

How can I share my apps that I developed using the FEMA API?

E-mail us or post to the OpenFEMA collaboration topic discussion board.

What is the best way to contact FEMA about public datasets?

We appreciate and welcome your feedback and suggestions. The best way to reach us is by e-mail

Contact Us

To contact our team for questions, comments or requests email

OpenFEMA API Documentation

OpenFEMA is providing read only API based access to data sets (Entities). The data is exposed using a RESTful interface that uses querystring parameters to manage the query.  The API Documentation provides information on how to use the API as well as examples of the commands.

OpenFEMA API Datasets

The following FEMA datasets are available via API:

  • Housing Assistance Owners
  • Housing Assistance Renters
  • Registration Intake and Individuals Houshold Program
  • Public Assistance Funded Projects Summary
  • Public Assistance Funded Projects Details
  • Public Assistance Applicants
  • Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Property Acquisitions
  • Hazard Mitigation Grants
  • Disaster Declarations Summaries
  • OpenFEMA Datasets
  • OpenFEMA Dataset Fields
  • OpenFEMA API Documentation
Last Updated: 
07/30/2015 - 15:00