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OpenFEMA Dataset: Public Assistance Funded Projects Summaries - V1

This page documents the metadata for the Public Assistance Funded Projects Summaries API data feed.

Entity Name



FEMA provides supplemental Federal disaster grant assistance for debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly owned facilities and the facilities of certain Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations through the Public Assistance (PA) Program (CDFA Number 97.036). The PA Program also encourages protection of these damaged facilities from future events by providing assistance for hazard mitigation measures during the recovery process.

This dataset lists all public assistance recipients (sub-grantees) and a summary of the funded program support. This is raw, unedited data from FEMA's National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) and as such is subject to a small percentage of human error. The financial information is derived from NEMIS and not FEMA's official financial systems.

Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations, and how business rules are applied, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as; this dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting.



Program URL



OpenFEMA -

API Endpoint


Full Data



public, assistance, disaster, grant, funding, sub-grantees

Data Fields

disasterNumberDisaster NumbernumberSequentially assigned number used to identify a declared event in a U.S. state or territory. Disasters in the range 1-1999 are major disasters and 3000 and above are special emergency declarations. For more information on the disaster process, //
declarationDateDeclaration DatedateDate the disaster was declared a federal disaster event.
incidentTypeIncident TypestringType of incident such as fire or flood. The incident type will affect the types of assistance available. For more information on incident types, please visit: //
stateStatestringThe name of a U.S. state or territory.
countyCountystringThe name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory.
applicantNameApplicant NamestringName of the entity requesting Public Assistance grant funding. (Eligible Public Assistance applicants are sub-grantees).
educationApplicantEducation ApplicantbooleanDenotes whether the applicant's primary function is educational; derived field based on suite of keywords in applicant name.
numberOfProjectsNumber Of ProjectsnumberNumber of funded Project Worksheets associated with the applicant under the specified declaration.
federalObligatedAmountFederal Obligated AmountnumberThe Public Assistance grant funding available to the grantee (State), for sub-grantee approved Project Worksheets.
lastRefreshLast RefreshdateDate the record was last updated in the API data store
hashHashstringMD5 Hash of the fields and values of the record
idIDstringUnique ID assigned to the record


Last Updated: 
04/23/2015 - 10:36