Helping Neighbors Build Communities

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#LISCLeads Goes to Houston

12.01.2016 - - If you couldn't make the LISC Leadership conference in Houston last month, or need a refresher on what was said and done, here's a photo essay of the highlights. From Maurice Jones' speech about his bold vision for our work, to the community leaders who shared their strategies in "LISC Talks," to in [...]

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What is LISC?

The Local Initiatives Support Corporation, known as LISC, is one of the largest organizations in the country supporting projects to revitalize communities. These include more affordable housing, better schools, safer streets, growing businesses and programs improving financial stability. We provide the capital, strategy and know-how to local groups to get this done. As a result, more than five million Americans live in stronger, thriving communities. See our reach as a national nonprofit and see how we work.

$10 million
$100 million
$1 billion
Since 1980
$16.2 billion
total invested

$48.5 billion
total leveraged
Small Is Beautiful

Jonny Price, senior director of Kiva U.S., makes the case for how early-stage loans to small, fledgling businesses can stoke entrepreneurship, create jobs and help narrow the income gap. That strategy can also put a human face—and heart—back into the business of doing business.[...]

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