
State Family Program Office

The State Family Program Office has Family Assistance Centers, Family Assistance Specialists, and Family Readiness Assistants to serve you.

Our goal is to have 100 percent contact with every family through active outreach during a deployment!

Let us be your one stop shop for questions and information!

The Family Assistance Centers provide assistance with a full range of situations and problems that can arise for families in conjunction with military deployments.
They provide deployment and reunion briefings for all mobilizing units and are a one stop shop for families to find accurate and current information.
Family Assistance Specialists also conduct wellness calls to family members every 30 days during deployments to ensure that all family needs are being met.

Click Here for a listing of Family Assistance Specialists, Team Leaders, and contact information (.pdf)

Click Here for Family Assistance Locations (.jpg)

The services we provide focus on: Information | Referral | Outreach | Follow-up
Family members are informed on their benefits and entitlements including:

  • Financial management
  • Family Care Plans
  • Personal affairs
  • Medical and dental care
  • How to access TRICARE
  • DEERS enrollment
  • Employment and reemployment rights
  • Predictable psychological strains
  • Tools to cope with separation and reunion
Email Family Assistance Coordinator
The Indiana Family Program Office:
711 North Pennsylvania St
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Toll Free: 1-800-237-2850 ext. 72694
Office: (317)247-3300 ext. 72694
Cell Phone: 317-650-1334

Click Here for a listing of Family Assistance Specialists, Team Leaders, and contact information (.pdf)

Click Here for Family Assistance Locations (.jpg)