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FHWA Resource Center



Metropolitan Planning

Metropolitan transportation planning is the process of examining travel and transportation issues and needs in metropolitan areas. It includes a demographic analysis of the community in question, as well as an examination of travel patterns and trends. The planning process includes an analysis of alternatives to meet projected future demands, and for providing a safe and efficient transportation system that meets mobility while not creating adverse impacts to the environment. To carry out the transportation planning process, a Metropolitan Panning Organization (MPO) shall be designated for each urbanized area with a population of more than 50,000 individuals.

Statewide and metropolitan transportation planning processes are governed by Federal law (23 USC 134 and 135). Applicable state and local laws are required if Federal highway or transit funds are used for transportation investments. Federal planning regulations are codified in 23 CFR 450.

For additional information you may contact:

Brian Betlyon Brian.Betlyon@dot.gov

Jim Thorne Jim.Thorne@dot.gov

Ben Williams Ben.Williams@dot.gov

Jocelyn Jones Jocelyn.Jones@dot.gov

Eric Pihl Eric.Pihl@dot.gov


Metropolitan Planning Links

FHWA Office of Planning (HEPP) Metropolitan Transportation Planning - FHWA Metropolitan Planning Home Page. This page provides general information and links to other resources.

Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program (TPCB) Metropolitan Planning - The Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program (TPCB) provides assistance to transportation officials and staff to resolve increasingly complex issues related to transportation needs in their communities. This link will take you directly to TPCB Metropolitan Transportation Planning Page.

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