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Securing our Communities: Resources for Small and Medium Businesses

The recent shooting in Orlando reminds all Americans that the threat of violence exists in our communities. The ideology or motivation behind each attack may vary, but in common we have seen an evolution toward more independent, unaffiliated attacks inspired by extremist groups. Extremist individuals can find inspiration and encouragement through social media with geographically dispersed but like-minded extremists.

Take the Stress Out of Travel with These Tips to #TSATravelSafe

When you’re jetting off to summer fun, you have a lot on your mind.  Did you bring your cell phone charger?  Do you have room in your bag for souvenirs?  Do you have the rental car confirmation?  What’s the best restaurant near your hotel?  Did you leave the coffee maker on? With so much to think about, it’s easy to forget the most important thing: Getting there safely.  Fortunately, TSA is working hard to make sure your travel experience is as efficient and secure as possible.

TSA Summer Travel Tips

Prepare for your upcoming summer travel with these tips from the Transportation Security Administration.

Together We Can Fight Human Trafficking

Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Blue Campaign is launching two new tools to help raise public consciousness of the terrible crime of human trafficking across the Nation.

Protect Yourself from Online Fraud this Tax Season

Tax season is prime time for cyber crime. As millions of Americans file their taxes online, cyber criminals may look to steal your personal information and cash in on your tax refund. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is warning Americans that they have already seen a 400% surge in tax-related phishing and malware incidents this season.

Protect Your Data Against Ransomware

At DHS, we’ve recently observed an increase in ransomware attacks across the country. Ransomware is a type of malicious software, or malware, designed to block access to a computer system until a ransom is paid. Ransomware is typically spread through phishing emails or by unknowingly visiting an infected website.

DHS And The NCAA Remind Fans, “If You See Something, Say Something™”

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) “If You See Something, Say Something™” public awareness campaign and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) jointly released a new Public Service Announcement (PSA) and in-game message for the upcoming NCAA Winter and Spring Championships to remind fans to stay safe and alert as they cheer on their favorite teams.


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