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Homeland Security Enterprise

Join the Force, Answer the Call

The DHS Surge Capacity Force is comprised of volunteer employees who deploy to help communities impacted by disaster. These critical volunteers support state and local response and recover efforts, augmenting the existing Federal Emergency Management Agency personnel on the ground in times of greatest need.

Fact Sheet: Alejandro Mayorkas: Seven Years of Public Service at DHS

Since December 2013, Alejandro Mayorkas has served as the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security.  In that role, he has served as the second-in-command and the Chief Operating Officer of the third largest Department in the United States government, overseeing a $60 billion budget and helping lead a workforce of nearly 230,000 individuals throughout the world. 

We Are DHS

The Department of Homeland Security ensures that our Nation and its people are safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.

Last week, more than 2,600 personnel from the Department of Homeland Security ensured the safety and security of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. They started their work only hours after completing the same task at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Photo of the Week

Secretary Johnson opened the 2016 Aspen Security Forum“We are a resilient nation. I still remember on September 12, 2001, the people in Manhattan came to work.”  Secretary Johnson opened the 2016 Aspen Security Forum with a candid conversation on the state of our nation’s security, and the impenetrable, unbreakable nature of the American spirit. Official DHS photo by Barry Bahler.

Statement by Spokesperson Marsha Catron on Secretary Johnson's Upcoming Trip to Colorado

On July 26-28, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson will travel to Aspen, Colo. to participate in a meeting of the Aspen Institute’s Homeland Security Group. On July 27, Secretary Johnson will participate in a moderated discussion on the state of the nation’s security with New York Times Assistant Washington Editor Thom Shanker at the opening session of the Aspen Security Forum.


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