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Working with the Transportation Industry to Combat Human Trafficking

Today, the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign and the Department of Transportation (DOT) hosted a transportation industry stakeholder event. The event brought together leadership from both departments, as well as representatives from airline, rail, bus, and trucking companies to talk about how the transportation industry can support the fight to end human trafficking.

Statement By Secretary Johnson On Latest Actions To Address Wait Times At Airports

The TSA Administrator and I both appreciate the recent support we have received from Congress to aggressively address increased air travel and reduce wait times at TSA screening points in U.S. airports.  In the face of increased air travel volume, we will not compromise aviation security.  We are quickly and aggressively surging resources to keep travelers moving through airports, and to keep them safe.

Transportation Systems Working Groups

These are the agendas for CIPAC Transportation Systems Sector working group meetings.


No CIPAC Working Groups

Highway Motor Carrier

Access Credentialing Working Group

Meets Ad Hoc

Transportation Systems Sector

Transportation Systems Sector

The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Transportation are designated as the Co-Sector-Specific Agencies for the Transportation Systems Sector.

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