ANSS - Advanced National Seismic System


The mission of ANSS is to provide accurate and timely data and information products for seismic events, including their effects on buildings and structures, employing modern monitoring methods and technologies.

This mission serves a basic function of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) , and drives the four basic goals of the planned system:

To achieve these goals, ANSS will establish nationwide network of over 7000 earthquake sensor systems, serving all areas of the country subject to earthquake hazards and providing dense coverage in 26 at-risk urban areas (see map). Sensors will be located both in the ground and in buildings and other structures.

The system will provide real-time earthquake information for emergency response personnel, provide engineers with information about building and site response to strong shaking, and provide scientists with high-quality data needed to understand earthquake processes and structure and dynamics of the solid earth.

Monitoring Activities

As part of its monitoring activities, the ANSS includes a national Backbone network, the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) , the National Strong Motion Project , and 15 regional seismic networks operated by USGS and its partners. When earthquakes strike, ANSS delivers real-time information , providing situational awareness for emergency-response personnel. In regions with sufficient seismic stations, that information includes –within minutes–a ShakeMap showing the distribution of potentially damaging ground shaking, information used to target post-earthquake response efforts. When fully implemented, ANSS will provide such dense station coverage for all at-risk urban areas. Information from ANSS is a key input to the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps, which help communities in earthquake-prone regions develop safer building practices.

Network Codes

The following network codes are assigned by the FDSN archive (IRIS DMC) to provide uniqueness to seismological data streams. This is the complete list of seismic networks that are active in the United States:

Network Code Network Name Operated by
AE Arizona Broadband Seismic Network Arizona Geological Survey
AG Arkansas Seismic Network Arkansas Geological Survey
AK Alaska Regional Network University of Alaska-Fairbanks
AO Arkansas Seismic Observatory University of Arkansas at Little Rock
AR Northern Arizona Network Arizona Earthquake Information Center
AT Alaska Tsunami Warning Seismic System West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
AV Alaska Volcano Observatory USGS - Anchorage, University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute
AZ ANZA Regional Network University of California, San Diego - USGS Menlo Park
BK Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) University of California, Berkeley
CC Cascade Chain Volcano Monitoring USGS/Cascade Volcano Observatory
CE California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program California Geological Survey (formerly California Division of Mines and Geology) - Earthquake Engineering
CG Coso Microearthquake Network Geothermal Program Office, US Navy, China Lake
CI * Southern California Seismic Network California Institute of Technology / USGS - Pasadena
CO South Carolina Seismic Network University of South Carolina at Columbia
CU CariUSGS Caribbean Network USGS, Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
EP UTEP Seismic Network University of Texas, El Paso
ET CERI Southern Appalachian Seismic Network University of Memphis
HV Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Network Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
HW Hanford Washington Seismic Network Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
IE Idaho National Engineering Laboratory University of Utah, Network Contact
II IRIS/IDA Network University of California, Scripps Institute of Oceanography
IU IRIS/USGS Network USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
IW Intermountain West Seismic Network United States Geological Survey
KY Kentucky Seismic and Strong Motion Network Kentucky Geological Survey
LB Leo Brady Network Sandia National Laboratory
LD Lamont-Doherty Cooperative Seismographic Network Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
MB Montana Regional Seismic Network Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
N4 Central and Eastern US Network University of California San Diego
NC USGS Northern California Regional Network USGS-Menlo Park, California
NE Northeastern United States Networks Boston College
NM Cooperative New Madrid Seismic Network St. Louis University and University of Memphis
NN Western Great Basin/Eastern Sierra Nevada University of Nevada, Reno
NP United States National Strong-Motion Network USGS - National Strong-Motion Program
NQ NetQuakes USGS Menlo Park, California
OH Ohio Seismic Network Ohio Geological Survey
OK Oklahoma Seismic Network University of Oklahoma
PE Penn State Network Penn State University
PG PG & E, Diablo Canyon Pacific Gas and Electric
PR Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) & Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program (PRSMP) University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
PT Pacific Tsunami Warning Seismic System Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, Ewa Beach, Hawaii
RE US Bureau of Reclamation Seismic Networks US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal Center
SC New Mexico Tech Seismic Network New Mexico Tech, Socorro, New Mexico
SE Southeastern Appalachian Cooperative Seismic Network Virginia Tech, University of Memphis, Tennessee Valley Authority, and University of North Carolina
SF San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Stanford University and USGS Menlo Park, Earthscope Project
TA Transportable Array University of California San Diego
UO University of Oregon Regional Network University of Oregon
US US National Seismic Network ANSS Backbone of the USGS-NEIC and USGS-ASL and Earthscope Project of IRIS
UU University of Utah Regional Network University of Utah Seismograph Stations
UW Pacific Northwest Regional Seismic Network University of Washington
WR California Division of Water Resources California Division of Water Resources
WY Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Seismic Network University of Utah Seismograph Stations (formerly operated by the USGS Menlo Park)

* (beginning 9/1997 some stations from network code TS now appear as network code CI)