Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Good Stewardship of resources at active sites

Being from a tree-hugger state and tax-paying citizen, I feel that we need to pay better attention to using resources in the JFO and OFO's. Make waste prevention part of the daily culture instead of an after thought. I am sure there are other examples but here a are a couple to get started. Examples:1. Lease large water bottle distribution systems instead of buying pallets of individual water bottles. 2. Make color ...more »

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-1 votes
7 up votes
8 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Preparedness and Sustainability Linkage

Many sustainable practices pay dividends in a disaster. Bicycle transportation, gardening, water catchment, canning, solar power etc are all examples of activities which make communities better places to live AND make communities more self-relient when infrastructure and critical supplies are halted. Connecting the dots under the banner of community "resilience" should be a focus of FEMA activity. If no disaster strikes, ...more »

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62 votes
67 up votes
5 down votes

Displaying all 2 Ideas