Editor’s note: this topic will close on Wednesday, August 27. Thank you to everyone who participated.

FEMA wants to hear your ideas and suggestions on how to improve the emergency management system at all levels. We recognize that the best solutions to the challenges we all face are generated by the people and the communities who are closest to these challenges. That is why we are asking for input on a variety of emergency management issues, such as how as we prepare for, respond to, recover from, or mitigate against all types of disasters.

Submit your own ideas, comment on others, or participate in conversations that will help to generate creative ideas.

And again, thank you for participating.

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Global Warming Combat

Store colder than ice material, in indestructible containers, at north and south poles, 10000 tons etc., retard the warming effects. Also in Greenland, on glaciers. Rebuld glaciers by retarding the warming, by strategic colder-than-ice materials (ammonia, acetone, etc.)

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-12 votes
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12 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Jet Stream relocation

When Jet Stream (100 to 400 miles wide, and 1 to 3 miles thick, at an altitude of the troposphere, i.e. 30000 feet 6 miles up) keeps weather pattern destructive of life and property, have 10 to 25 supersonic jets break sound-barrier simultenously in desired location. Move Jet stream direction.


QED. Will it work?

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-13 votes
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13 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Hurricane Tamer

Continuous air-drop of ice blocks into ocean, ahead of hurricane; delivered by 10 to 30 rear-opening cargo planes, drop 1 cubic foot ice-blocks, by the ton, over large area, reduce water Temp., robbing hurricane of energy. At least reduce force.

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-13 votes
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13 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

House-fire mesh

Mesh if water-tubing, fire-resistant, large enough to pull over house, covered with water holes. Attach to hose outlet of house; pull over house in minutes by tossing drag-lines over roof, pull from other side. Leave house with on-gonig water-spray effect of entire building.

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-9 votes
2 up votes
11 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Tornado ripper

Launch cellulose percusson bomblets, with barometric fuses which detect passing through tornado wall; cellulose will disintegrate, deliver percussion only, no shards; deliver by tank-track mortar vehicle, remote control or manned, heavy enough (Abrams tank weight) for safety, cross all terrain. Percussion bomb sufficient to disintegrate tornado safely. TRacking device for unexploded bombs.

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-10 votes
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11 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Water bug

Ceremic VW size, tank-track vehicle, with porcupine water-nozzles, trailing water hose, and embedded electrical lines for engine, covered with reticulated slick material to facilitate dragging some distance, spray semisphere of water into hottest parts of fires.

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-10 votes
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10 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Ice cannon

Remote controlled tank track vehicle, ceramic, VW size, manufacures ice balls on board, trailing water hose with reticulated slick cover, electrical wire for simple engine, shoot ice balls by air-rifle to hottest beds of fire, and in advance of fire.

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-12 votes
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12 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Create Better Fire Breaks Around Towns with High Fire Hazards

Lakes with Parks with wide Roads install water mains with hydrants with high volume pumps,circulate all water and filter from lakes,install high volume metal sprinkler systems, charge fees for recreation to fund projects,install back-flow prevention on Sprinkler risers and charge with freeze resistant safe chemicals,for winter provide security for all sprinkler heads.Use quality products to prevent high maintenance!The ...more »

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6 votes
8 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

FEMA Underwater Operations Response

A logistics clearinghouse managed by a SME for rapid assessment, identification and notification of assets available, by region and nationally for underwater operations needs in support of local, regional and national event management. Teams, areas of specialization, equipment and availability for mutual aid response could be requested and assigned through this office, with Priority Status. The office would work closely ...more »

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6 votes
7 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Flooding Emergencies

Greetings: For those areas where intense floodings are always a problem, why not make it possible for every household to obtain "inflatable dinghys" large enough to hold members of a household, at least moored near their homes until recue arrives. Very practical and safe. I made this same recommendation many years ago to FEMA, but no one ever replied.

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-8 votes
3 up votes
11 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

evolution of the solar impulse

The solar impulse show the possibility that a uav can be made of the same standard here some idea of what the solar impulse is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_Impulse now the solar impulse is a plane that can fly day and night because of batterys and solar panels with a little change turing the idea into a uav is great way to start thing like automation of a forest fire water drops the uav could be program ...more »

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-7 votes
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8 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank


Television is alot of things but rarely is tv a learning tool that is fun educational well made captivating and able to pull in viewers,and if it is the idea of it being honest truthful or in anyway non fiction seems to be lost. So as an idea having a tv show on being good at cpr recognizing warning signs of poisoning or anything that would be of use in a natural or man made disaster THAT IS NOT ONLY WELL WRITTEN FUN ...more »

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-2 votes
6 up votes
8 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

from hack to hero a good use for the pirate box

in times were there is no internet , during disaster or black outs . some may have access to wifi and if so a pirates box with a few adjustments to be a Fema disaster board a place to find love ones post relief for food and water .shelter and even warnings this wifi hotspot is simple mobile and can even run on solar or green energy's here is a description of this pirate box https://www.google.com/search?q=pirate+box&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a ...more »

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-6 votes
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7 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

can we 3d print a uav

after watching a couple of videos http://www.ted.com/talks/theo_jansen_creates_new_creatures.html using kinetic energy and maybe a iphone also if you can remember the old rubber band balsa wood toy planes as a kid i thought that for emergency's a uav in the sky made from a 3d printer could respond quickly i also had seen some good videos on the subject searching here https://www.google.com/search?q=uav+3d+printer&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a ...more »

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-9 votes
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9 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Real time emergency locator and evacuation info

To establish a link with GPS units in vehicles, handheld devices and cell phones, via satellite to set up the following: 1) Immediate location of any civilian personnel with activated device 2) Provide immediate real time data and alerts to those affected by the event, with evacuation routes provided on the units screen. This would be an override system, that could immediately activate on the phone, tablet or GPS unit, ...more »

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-4 votes
3 up votes
7 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Rescue Airboats solving a perplexing problem.

The Gap: Water Rescue Teams (WRT) are utilizing watercrafts (i.e. inflatables and jon-boats) that are not adequate to protect the WRT from the dangers of a flood and/or hurricane environment and are too unstable and fragile to safely transport multiple victims during said events. As such, the watercrafts are subject to puncture/tearing/sinking, the outboard engines/props are easily damaged due to the debris in the ...more »

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6 votes
9 up votes
3 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Improve Building Standards

Rebuilding following tornado disaster. Use only Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) in tornado areas. Here is why: Much stronger resistance to forces of tornados and earthquakes Less lumber by 60%., Structure erection time 2/3 days for 2/3 men, less onsite manpower Allows finishing by Owner, their choice, Energy savings 50 to 80% over life of building Numerous contractors in the country Costs equal perhaps ...more »

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-6 votes
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9 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

During Damage Often Striking While Iron's Hot Is To Hot

As an O.J.T. Media Free Lancer (by the way I don't pay much of my own attention to wrongly spelled words not that far off or even formatting,many knowing me after all these O.J.T years would agree on that though does not give much credence to my lower twelve years of education and graduation diploma) but anyway both the title has significance to me as do copyrighted infringement laws and hope this idea is written well ...more »

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-7 votes
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7 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

More CERT training

Hold more CERT training courses in the disaster prone areas. Offer it to all groups (schools, churches, clubs). This training does help prepare someone to handle all types of disasters. Let's face it the more that know, even a little something, are better equipped then those knowing nothing at all

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25 votes
27 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Prevention and preparation are the keys

It's necessary to train the community in prevention and preparation for emergencies and disasters. I'm hispanic and I think that our community in generally,especially latin people need to learn about the different phases of a disaster: the before, the during and after. We need to know that is prevention,preparedness, mitigation,response,contingency, rehabilitation and reparation. We need to know the several types of ...more »

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16 votes
16 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Afordable metal shelters 30ft

I came up with an idea of using HD metal culverts as storm shelters. At this time I only have a rought outline and scetches. The culvert is 30ft long,83 "wide X 57" tall. One end has a metal door, 10 g galv.steel with 6 turn lock handles on the inside. The other end is solid 10 g.steel. There will be 3 metal loops around the culvert that contain a base that can be bolted to the concrete base with four ...more »

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3 votes
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3 down votes