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Highway Statistics 2004 - FHWA

Roadway Extent, Characteristics and Performance Section of Highway Statistics 2004
Highway Statistics 2004 OHPI > Highway Statistics > 2004 > Roadway Extent

Section V: Roadway Extent, Characteristics and Performance

Important Information

Public road length in the United States, classified by:

Table/Chart HTML PDF XLS
Ownership Table HM-10 hm10.pdf hm10.xls
Type of surface and ownership / functional system -- national summary Table HM-12 hm12.pdf hm12.xls
Ownership and Federal-aid highways--national summary Table HM-16 hm16.pdf hm16.xls
Functional system and Federal-aid highways--national summay Table HM-18 hm18.pdf hm18.xls
Functional system Table HM-20 hm20.pdf hm20.xls

Federal-aid highway length, classified by:

Table/Chart HTML PDF XLS
Ownership Table HM-14 hm14.pdf hm14.xls
System Table HM-15 hm15.pdf hm15.xls
Type of surface Table HM-31 hm31.pdf hm31.xls
Lane width Table HM-33 hm33.pdf hm33.xls
Traffic lanes and access control Table HM-35 hm35.pdf hm35.xls
Traffic lanes and access control--national summary Table HM-36 hm36.pdf hm36.xls
Average daily traffic volume Table HM-37 hm37.pdf hm37.xls
Lane width, access control, and average daily traffic volume--national summary Table HM-39 hm39.pdf   hm39.xls  
Lane-miles, estimated Table HM-48 hm48.pdf hm48.xls

National Highway System, classified by:

Table/Chart HTML PDF XLS
Open and not open to traffic Table HM-30 hm30.pdf hm30.xls
NHS road length, miles by ownership Table HM-40 hm40.pdf hm40.xls
NHS miles by functional system Table HM-41 hm41.pdf hm41.xls
Volume-service flow ratio Table HM-42 hm42.pdf hm42.xls
NHS lane miles by functional system Table HM-43 hm43.pdf hm43.xls
NHS vehicle miles of travel by functional system Table HM-44 hm44.pdf hm44.xls
Measured pavement roughness Table HM-47 hm47.pdf hm47.xls
STRAHNET length, Interstate and Other Table HM-49 hm49.pdf hm49.xls

Functional system data:

Table/Chart HTML PDF XLS
Ownership Table HM-50 hm50.pdf hm50.xls
Arterial and collector length, by type of surface Table HM-51 hm51.pdf hm51.xls
Arterial and collector length, by lane width Table HM-53 hm53.pdf hm53.xls
Arterial and collector length, by traffic lanes and access control Table HM-55 hm55.pdf hm55.xls
Arterial and collector length, by average daily traffic volume Table HM-57 hm57.pdf hm57.xls
Arterial and collector length, by lane width, access control, and AADT --national summary Table HM59 hm59.pdf hm59.xls
Rural and urban lane-miles, estimated Table HM-60 hm60.pdf hm60.xls
Volume-service flow ratio, by functional system Table HM-61 hm61.pdf hm61.xls
Average daily traffic per lane Table HM-62 hm62.pdf hm62.xls
System congestion trends Chart chartv.pdf   chartv.ppt  
Present Serviceability Ratings-pavements, by functional system Table HM-63 hm63.pdf hm63.xls
Measured pavement roughness, by functional system Table HM-64 hm64.pdf hm64.xls
Measured pavement roughness, reporting details Table HM-66 hm66.pdf hm66.xls

Urbanized area summaries:

Table/Chart HTML PDF XLS
Miles and daily vehicle-miles of travel Table HM-71 hm71.pdf hm71.xls
Selected characteristics Table HM-72 hm72.pdf hm72.xls

State highway agency-owned public road data:

Table/Chart HTML PDF XLS
Miles by functional system, estimated Table HM-80 hm80.pdf hm80.xls
Miles, lane-miles and daily travel, estimated Table HM-81 hm81.pdf hm81.xls

Highway use and performance:

Table/Chart HTML PDF XLS
Vehicle miles of travel and related data, by highway category and vehicle type Table VM-1 vm1.pdf vm1.xls
Vehicle-miles of travel, by functional system Table VM-2 vm2.pdf vm2.xls
Discussion of Travel Growth Discussion travgrow.pdf N/A
Vehicle-miles of travel, by Federal-aid highways Table VM-3 vm3.pdf vm3.xls
Percentage distribution of traffic volumes and loadings on the rural Interstate System Table TC-3 tc3.pdf tc3.xls
Comparison of growth in volumes and loadings on the Interstate system Chart tccht.pdf tccht.xls

Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities:

Table/Chart HTML PDF XLS
Persons fatally injured in motor vehicle crashes, Federal-aid highways Table FI-10 fi10.pdf fi10.xls
Persons fatally injured in motor vehicle crashes, by functional system Table FI-20 fi20.pdf fi20.xls

If you have specific questions regarding Mileage and Travel, email us or phone (202) 366-0160.

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Page last modified on November 7, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000