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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Census Urbanized Areas and MPO/TMA Designation

Schedule of Activities

Date Activity
August 24, 2011 U.S. Census Bureau published the final criteria for the defining of urbanized areas (UZAs) and urban clusters (UCs) in the Federal Register.
March 27, 2012 The Census Bureau published the new list of UZAs and UCs based on the 2010 Census in the Federal Register (PDF or TXT) and released TIGER/Line geographic Shapefiles for the 2010 UZAs and UCs on the 2010 Census TIGER/Line Shapefiles website.
April 24, 2012 HEPGIS (beta) includes UZA and UC boundaries, including the ability to download shapefiles
July 18, 2012 USDOT (FHWA/FTA) published the new list of Transportation Management Areas (TMAs) in the Federal Register.
Before Oct 2012 States should revisit their intra-State formulas for metropolitan planning (PL) funds allocations to MPOs to ensure that the new Census 2010 population figures are being used and that any new MPOs are part of the calculation.
Before next regularly-scheduled MTP update, after October 1st, 2012, or within 4 years of the designation of the new UZA boundary, whichever occurs firstExisting MPOs must expand their Metropolitan Planning Areas (MPAs) to include all territory in Census 2010 UZAs (if necessary).
March 27, 2013 New MPOs must be designated by Governor(s) to represent all new UZAs.
January 18, 2014 New TMAs must have a Congestion Management Process (CMP)
June 1, 2014 Any adjustments to UZA boundaries must be approved by the Governor(s) and FHWA Division Office(s). FHWA will consider all boundaries final as of this date and will use the original 2010 Census UZA boundaries for all UZAs that have not been adjusted. The 2014 HPMS data submission must conform to the approved boundary as of June 1, 2014.
March 27, 2016 (4 years after list of UAs is published) New MPOs must have a formally adopted Long-Range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Updated: 9/18/2013
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