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Disaster Relief

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief logo

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief is Christian love in action. This ministry meets the urgent needs of hurting humanity in crisis situations. Christ calls for believers to demonstrate His love to those affected by disasters through our timely use of resources, talents and time. We provide many different types of relief, including food, water, child care, laundry, repairs, rebuilding and more.

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief has gained national and international recognition for our work in crisis situations across the country. State convention leaders invest significant resources to provide proper training for our volunteers. They stand ready at a moment’s notice to help the hurting and bring hope during a catastrophe.

As volunteers respond to disasters, their faith and commitment is used by the Holy Spirit to draw others to Him. When we care for others we become not just people who talk of missions, but people who put our words into action.

Our world continues to experience devastation and destruction. Every incident brings new challenges and new opportunities. Find out how you and your church can represent Christ in crisis.

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